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  • Beware:Skink

    • Who: Skink, Cockatrice, Paint
      Where: https://www.weasyl.com/~skink
      When: 01/13/2013
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content

    May 14, 2014


    I have this marked as adult because some of the stuff on her commission spreadsheet is for adult commissions.

    WHO: Skink/Paint. She no longer goes by Paint, but her other two bewares are under that name. I think this beware should be added under that name for her, as well as Skink since it is what she now goes by.

    WHERE: I commissioned her over FA on Paint, but she is active here- https://www.weasyl.com/~skink

    WHAT: I commissioned her January 19th 2013 for $110 worth of pay what you want commissions, to be divided into two images. A few months later, I commissioned her again for $30 colored sketch. (exact date not known because I paid for it over some sort of funding website and can't seem to find it on my paypal although I remember paying and I am down on her commission spreadsheet for this commission. See the spreadsheet later).

    WHEN: I made the first payment to her on January 19th 2013. She was fine in keeping contact with me whenever I sent her a note. The last reply I've heard from her in note form was on January 21st 2014. After that date she has not replied to any of my messages regarding the commissions. I wouldn't be so concerned, however she opened commissions March 29th and did finish a handful of these new commissions, posting them to Weasyl while I continued to receive no reply to my messages.

    PROOF: The initial commission agreement for the $110 commission took place over stream so I don't have a screenshot of my asking and her saying yes, however here is a screenshot of my paypal payment of $110 to her as well as screenshots of my name and commissions on her queue. As stated before, the colored sketch was commissioned over a funding website that I cannot remember, but that commission is on her queue as well.
    The payment- http://oi62.tinypic.com/ixfkus.jpg
    The queue- http://oi57.tinypic.com/15z5a46.jpg my commissions are near the top and bottom.
    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak6G1XPK44mudFNHWW83ODhYTmNsVkpNLWN5aE5RTmc#gid=0 this is the actual link to the google docs of the commission spreadsheet.

    EXPLAIN: I like Skink's style, enjoy how she draws my characters, so in the past I commissioned her as much as I possibly could. Until this incident she has been quick to deliver the artwork, so I didn't hesitate to pay her the $110 for these particular commissions, assuming that I'd get the work done pretty quickly, as it had been done before.
    It took her a little longer than usual, but it didn't bother me. She kept her watchers updated with journals about rough going-ons at her job, things that would normally delay commissions. Understandable.

    I sent her the occasional message for updates, but mostly just kept up with her journals, which stated what was going on with her life. It wasn't really until in January, the ~1 year anniversary of my paying her the initial $110, that I began messaging her more frequently about the commissions.
    The first note I sent was amiable, just asking what's up, and she replied with reasons why there had been further delay. The reasons were a little personal so I'm not posting the screenshots, but this series of notes wasn't an issue for me because she did reply and let me know that she would be telling me when my commissions were up for being worked on. I'm happy.
    My next note was a little over a week later.
    It proposes a deadline and asks if she can get back to me if that date doesn't work for her.
    I receive no reply.
    She opens up for new commissions March 29th https://www.weasyl.com/journal/45742/daily-color-sketch-commissions-plush-and-charms
    Her old queue shows no signs of being worked on.
    April 1st I send another note.
    Just reminding her. Still no reply.
    The same day I send her a note about a commissioner she was having trouble with that I had had troubles with in the past as well, and she answers it promptly. Granted I didn't send it to her for any reason than to talk to her about that commissioner, but I still am surprised that she answers the note right away.
    This is very frustrating for me to hear /nothing/ back from an artist about the commissions I paid for, who I can see is still being active at this point, from her Weasyl and Tumblr. On Tumblr I send her a message asking her to check her Weasyl notes. I send another note April 7th which is basically a repeat of my April 1st note.
    Finally, I sent this note April 30th
    I guess in my Tumblr message or some other means I asked for simply a refund, because that's what I say. I don't have a record of that first message asking for a refund though. Honestly by the point of April 30th though even if I hadn't asked for one before, I wanted a refund.
    Since then I have attempted to contact her over AIM to no avail. When I try to send her a message over AIM it tells me that she doesn't receive offline messages and when I do manage to get a message to go through(?) (it appears as if she's invisible, but I don't get the 'no offline messages' message) there is still no reply.
    I want my money back, but I am getting no replies at all from her.
    If nothing else I can write up this artist beware to add to the others on the site which seem to be about this same situation. I wasn't worried about her giving reasons to delay the commissions because everyone runs into bad situations where they can't do commissions as fast as they'd like... but the fact that she opened up commissions for a brief time in March with the promise of using them as warm ups for her main queue, finished some of the commissions without even an update on the main queue, coupled with the other artist bewares compelled me to finally write this up.

    Skink is talented, but if this is repeat behavior from her then beware this artist.

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