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  • Beware: WilbertPierce/WilbertPierceDesign

    • Who: WilbertPierce/WilbertPierceDesign
      Where: http://wilbertpierce.deviantart.com/
      When: 03/14/2016
      What: Commission



    Who: WilbertPierce/WilbertPierceDesign
    NSFW Where: http://wilbertpierce.deviantart.com/ (He seems have abandoned his dA account)
    When: March 14th, 2016- August 30th, 2016
    What: $175 USD 3D print model figurine (Six from Tripping the Rift)
    1. His response to my job offer: http://i.imgur.com/rQa6eOI.png
    2. My Payment via Paypal: http://i.imgur.com/h6flMuo.png
    3. My Paypal Dispute case: http://i.imgur.com/SEmfGq1.png
    4. His unfinished preview images: http://imgur.com/a/FJ5CQ
    5. His promise about updated preview images via email: http://i.imgur.com/Rxk4Vvr.png

    I made a thread in the deviantArt job offer forum on March 13th; I was looking for an artist who was adept at making 3D figurine models (I wanted to have a physical figurine of Six from Tripping the Rift). WilbertPierce responded by saying that he would make the model if I paid him $175 USD. I thought WP was trustworthy so I agreed to the price and paid him the total on that day, which is a decision that I regret. I know now that it was a foolhardy idea to pay the total amount to an artist, but I had a great deal of trust in the deviantArt artists who I commissioned before. I had never been scammed before this instance.

    When WP stopped communicating through dA notes, I tried to contact him via paypal and gmail, but he refused to reply back. In May, I set up a dispute case against him because he refused to communicate with me about the project. I did not know if he was working on the model or he just took my money and had no intention of giving me what I wanted because he seemed to be avoiding my messages. When I managed to get a response from him from gmail (he sent me preview pictures of the model), I decided to close my dispute case against him because I thought he was going to actually make and ship the commission. In hindsight, I feel like kicking myself for closing my dispute case too soon. He did not even ship me the product yet.

    After sending the pictures, Pierce made a promise to send me updated previews of his progress, but he never did. He kept claiming that he did send me the pictures, but since July, he has never sent them and delivered the model that I requested.
    Please do not buy or commission anything from him, he will con you of your money and never give you what you commissioned for.

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