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  • Beware: Sugarfactory

    • Who: Sugarfactory
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sugarfactory
      When: 04/01/2014
      What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts




    WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sugarfactory

    WHAT: A box with fursuit accesoires, which was included in our deal about buying a second-hand partial.

    WHEN: I started contact around April 2013. It's now been 17 months since I didn't get the box she promised she will send.

    PROOF: Where to start 😉 These are screenshots from skype.
    She said she would include the extra if I would fo with the buyout deal ($1100) http://i.imgur.com/QtCV0nw.png .
    8th May 2013, promising more stuff: http://i.imgur.com/XUg5km9.png & http://i.imgur.com/UtPbn1i.png
    19th May 2013: My box arrived but not everything was included (the extra's). Checking with her http://i.imgur.com/xIsrPXo.png
    25 June 2013: Promising her a box in return: http://i.imgur.com/uSDOOl7.png
    27 June 2013: She wanted to include in the box a set of extra handpaws since the ones I got in the buyout deal weren't in good condition. http://i.imgur.com/rJqIAot.png
    11 November 2013: http://i.imgur.com/H4zkB2V.png Telling her to skip the handpaws if must because I really would love my stuff at some point.
    13 January 2014: She keeps stating she will send the box and is working on it... http://i.imgur.com/qlbJykT.png
    15 March 2014: I've send her my box, with worth over 120$ of stuff. http://i.imgur.com/vpXY2ev.png Also she promises me a tracking even without sending anything.
    21 March 2014: She lost the tracking it seems.. http://i.imgur.com/RQF0RGV.png
    25 March 2014: Yes she lost it http://i.imgur.com/rMwlRp6.png And I never received the package since. but wait a minute? the fursuitaccesoires weren't included?
    9 May 2014: http://i.imgur.com/9ThsE7g.png An excuse for not sending the box.
    21 May 2014: http://i.imgur.com/N0XGVzF.png Saying to stop putting anything in the box extra and just send it to me.
    May 2014: Ignoring me http://i.imgur.com/T7cBgaL.png
    5 June 2014: I wrote a message to her that I was despressed with not getting anything http://i.imgur.com/Ohuuz54.png . also http://i61.tinypic.com/1zdma9u.png saying that I would love to pay to get it here
    24 July 2014: She's sending a box soon, because she's selling another suit, asking her if she will send mine too.. http://i.imgur.com/aF9XYi5.png
    29 August 2014: Her fursuit she sold, has arrived at the new owner. Mine again... not send. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14401597/
    Today (27 September): https://twitter.com/sugarypuppy/status/515870207848374272 First time I ever EVER see a picture of stuff that would been send my way. But where's the bandana's? Jail-Plushie? Only recognizable thing is the tail.

    I can give you a lot more screenshots if you like.

    Sugarfactory sold her fursuitpartial "Jail" from OneEyedDoe in April 2013. She said if I would get the buyoutdeal instead of bidding, I would get extra's. As you can see in the links, she later promised more and more stuff. I was so exciting and I thought we were really friends.
    THANK GOD I've received the most important part: the partial. The fursuit is with me and I'm suiting with it over 1,5 years now, I'm really thankful for that.
    It surprised me that she didn't send everything that was in our deal in that first fursuit box (19th may). Also later suddently, in a second box that never arrived, she said that the fursuitstuff weren't included (25th of March.)
    One thing that made the package take long was that she commissioned extra handpaws because mine were a bit old now, at Autumnfallings. But they took so long that I said to her to get her money back, leave them out of our deal, and just send me the box.
    I also though that sending a box back, would help our friendship. I did send a box with Dutch treats and candy and toys, but never got a box from her back. Lost? Never been send? I'm not sure.
    The problem since the beginning was:

    - She said she will send it <..insert day here..>
    - She said it failed <..insert excuse here..>.

    Really, she gave every excuse possible. No money, sick, floodings, postal office closed, adress lost, busy, ow and when she had no money I offered to pay the shipping, but she refused.
    I even have PROOF that she send out other boxes and stuff as well.. but why not MINE? (The second fursuit she sells 29 August) The only thing I said over the last YEAR was "Please when will the box be send?" and than the above steps took place.

    She stated later that, this box she owes me are all GIFTS and she can take the time she needs

    Update (29-9-2014): Sugarfactory promised to send out the box this Monday. The content is discussed. I will update when I received a working Track&Trace.
    Update (6-10-2014)  Package send 1 oct. Tracking works and it's on its way to Europe

    About the critique in the comments below:
    Yes, I used some inmature language and was angry. I read the termes about keeping it polite on this forum but I didn't always keep that in mind and I'm sorry for this.

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