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  • Beware: Shiuk/ Shiuk Salamander

    • Who: Shiuk/ Shiuk Salamander
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/shiuk/
      When: 09/24/2011
      What: Commission


    Sep. 25th, 2012

    2:29 PM


    WHO: Shiuk, Shiuk Salamander

    WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/shiuk/, transaction took place at RainFurrest 2011

    WHAT: Digital Art priced at $80 (NSFW, details in image Email_August_2012.png )


    September 24, 2011 (RainFurrest 2011) - Last day I was going to be available at the convention, bought commission from Shiuk and paid in full up front.
    December 1, 2011 (FurAffinity Notes) - First checkup on the status of commission. Timely reply later that day.
    January 21, 2012 (FurAffinity Notes) - Request for commission status update. No reply.
    May 18, 2012 (FurAffinity Notes) - Request for commission status update. No reply.
    June 21, 2012 (FurAffinity Notes) - Request for commission status update or refund. No reply.
    August 6, 2012 (Email exchange) - Reply from Shiuk offering to refund my purchase.
    September 17, 2012 (Email exchange) - Request for update on refund. No reply.










    http://s749.photobucket.com/user/Shad_Croly/media/Artist Beware/Refund_zps47e31985.png.html

    EXPLAIN: The whole story is basically outlined in the timeline of events as shown above. At RainFurrest 2011, I purchased a commission from him, but it was towards the end of the convention and I didn't want him to rush mine and the commissions ahead of me done, so I paid extra to have it done digitally and sent to me at a later date. I paid in full up front. Over the course of the next year's time, I've attempted to contact him via FurAffinity notes and emails asking for updates on the status of the commission and getting very few replies. After loosing my job in February of 2012, I made the decision to request a refund. In August, he finally emailed me back, offering a refund. Since then, I've made attempts to contact Shiuk though email, FurAffinity notes, and both InkBunny notes and Facebook (at the suggestions of a few friends) on a possible ETA for the refund, with no success.

    UPDATE 1: I've been attempting to contact Shiuk once a week (or so, give or take a day) ever since September 17 and have continued to receive no word back from Shiuk. Looking at my FurAffinity Notes Outbox, all of my FA notes to Shiuk show as not being read, and with this persistent silence, I can only assume he's also ignoring my emails to him and my notes on Inkbunny.

    UPDATE 2: At the request of a friend of mine, I'm no longer sending him notes and emails once a week, but have switched to messaging him every time I see him uploading something somewhere (typically on Inkbunny), or once a month, whichever comes first. I've still received no words back from him, but he at least knows I'm trying to contact him because he deletes my shouts on his FurAffinity page whenever I ask about my refund or link to this journal entry.

    UPDATE 3: I sent Shiuk an email, saying that I would take my case to the FurAffinity admins and to Paypal if he didn't deliver my refund within a week's time; not exactly the smartest thing to do, on top of being continusouly stressed by this, which is not the best mindset for making decissions. I received an email back from Shiuk (see November_1_2012.png) saying that misunderstood the initial message (and I will admit I'm wrong if I did) and that he'd have the refund for me when he is "capable of doing so"; since that doesn't give me any time frame of reference, I asked for clarification.

    UPDATE 4: This issue has been resolved. I've received my refund from this artist.

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