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  • Beware: Ryunwoofie / Gudetamom

    • Who: Ryunwoofie/Gudetamom
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ryunwoofie/
      When: 08/15/2016
      What: Commission




    2018-08-28 Update: I have been given a full refund by Ryunwoofie/Gudetamom/Ocean Wotter, the proof of receipt is added to the original album.

    2018-06-28 Update: Ryunwoofie has changed her name on Twitter to @Gudetamom / Ocean Wotter, is not permitting any comments on FurAffinity even when offering new slots, and is still no further along on clearing her refunds.  She may be attempting to flee her current commitments by hiding behind a new persona.

    Ryunwoofie (Artist) (Aliases include: @Gudetamom / Ocean Wotter)


    WHAT: Two and a half colored sketch pieces
    #1) Two-character colored sketch with extra details
    #2) My half of a two-character colored sketch piece with extra details (the other commissioner paid the other half as we were splitting the cost of this one)
    #3) One-character colored sketch.

    #1) August 15, 2016 ($125.00 USD)
    #2) September 4, 2016 ($62.50 USD)
    #3) October 1, 2016 ($70.00 USD, $50.00 USD still owed)

    Ryunwoofie is an artist who, in 2016, had been active in taking stream commissions. I was cozied up to the idea of commissioning her and, fearing that I would rarely if ever make her streams, hoped that she would take some commissions "off-stream" someday. At the time my only contact with her was on FurAffinity.

    On August 15th 2016 she agreed to take a commission "off-stream" not too long after discussing the details of it (I had given them to her again at her request at the time of acceptance) and paid the quoted amount in full and upfront to her specifications and satisfaction.

    A month went by and I was being understanding on the delays, keeping in constant contact with Ryunwoofie, when she hosted a stream on September 4, 2016 that I was able to attend. When I was in this stream a friend and I decided we'd split the cost of another commission with Ryunwoofie, who wasn't able to do the artwork in the stream that night but agreed to do it off-stream. Each of us paid our half upfront after we all agreed on the details in private communications in the stream. There was follow-up discussion about that image, which is linked below.

    When October 1 came around without any updates or progress shown on the two pieces so far, Ryunwoofie opened up for one off-stream commission again and I was able to take the open slot. After discussing the details she quoted the price and I paid her upfront and in full. By November 30 there was still no progress despite previous claims that the artwork would be finished within two weeks or so, with ongoing explanations as to what was causing the delay. Due to the lack of progress and giving in to different ideas, we discussed alternate content for the third sketch and also agreed to switch from FA notes to email.
    https://sta.sh/01v42kqvrxg0 , https://sta.sh/021jgoebqtf4 , https://sta.sh/0h4brsomoqn , https://sta.sh/0cbimxw5u8f, and https://sta.sh/0l8ogcmt2ta

    Delays and issues continued up through February 2017, with no progress of any kind rendered. During a stream on February 11, 2017 I discussed making an up-front payment and drawing from some of the "credit" I accumulated with her to commission an idea I previously downgraded. She agreed, and while she didn't finish the art in that stream she did finish it a few days later. However, I was still waiting on the other three pieces we had agreed upon via email.
    https://sta.sh/0b5p7uu7sri , https://sta.sh/01gnm38rm0kj , https://sta.sh/0r2tubz0fm6 , and https://sta.sh/0zk197kyj86

    Up to this point the emails were largely filled with patience about getting the art, up until April 24th, 2017 when Ryunwoofie appeared on Artists Beware. Realizing then and there that I may never get the other pieces of art, I contacted her on May 17th, 2017 (one other email went completely ignored mid-April) to see if I would be able to get the artwork by the end of the month, or failing that a refund. She agreed, though had nothing to show for it come June 1, 2017. On that date I follow up again and she agreed to do a refund by June 16th, either half on the 9th and half on the 16th or everything on the 16th. I asked her to keep me in the loop if there is any difficulty on this, to which she agreed. However, no communication has been received since then and my last email, dated July 7, went unanswered.
    https://sta.sh/02fgz5n8aefu , and https://sta.sh/01h0bams7ahk

    Unfortunately for me, due to the time that has passed I am not able to dispute the transactions through my bank (which issued the credit card I paid for the sketch pieces on) or PayPal (who processed the transactions for the pieces), which leaves this as one of my few final options for seeking a positive resolution or otherwise warning commissioners that working with Ryunwoofie may result in not getting artwork.

    Album of conversations and PayPal Transaction Receipts: https://sta.sh/2xcgiy9s7df
    2018-08-06 Proof of Refund: https://sta.sh/0n331a1iieh

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