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  • Beware: neversayneverland / blackcoffee / pukio / prosodi

    • Who: neversayneverland / blackcoffee / pukio / prosodi
      Where: tumblr: neversayneverland
      y!g: blackcoffee
      dA: pukio
      LJ: prosodi
      When: 03/03/2011
      What: Commission

    • Aug. 2nd, 2011 at 5:13 PM
    Issue resolved. Thank you everyone for the advice, my friend FINALLY heard back from Abby and my refund is currently being cleared through paypal.

    First off, apologies if this formats incorrectly, for some odd reason LJ's posting looks all weird and it's been years since I actually made a post.


    For my friend’s birthday (March 3’rd) I told her I would pay for a $30 commission from an artist of her choice. I’ve never really commissioned anyone before, so I just stepped back and let my friend work out all of the details and I forked up the cash when prompted.

    She has been waiting close to 6 months and no sign of the sketches, and on top of that the artist seems to be avoiding any and all attempts at communication.

    My friend was the one who did most of the communicating (but since I’m the one who actually paid for the commission and am out the money I decided to be the one to post here), and they used to keep in contact through various websites, so I do apologize if it gets jumpy.

    tumblr: neversayneverland
    y!g: blackcoffee
    dA: pukio
    LJ: prosodi

    My friend referred to her as Abby, so for the sake of simplicity that’s what I shall do.


    y!g is apparently where she does most of her business.

    Three coloured digital sketches.

    March 3’rd 2011- My friend’s birthday. I told her I would pay for a $30 commission of any artist she wanted.

    March 5’th 2011- My friend communicated with the artist, and they accepted the commission. I sent out the money to the artist via paypal. I’d asked that they let me know when/if the money went through, since I’m always worried I’ll email it to the wrong person or paypal just won’t send it over properly.

    A few weeks had gone by and I never heard from Abby about the money, so I asked my friend if all was well. My friend did not even know if Abby received the payment and shot her a message on tumblr.

    April 4’th- Abby responded saying that yes she did get the money and that she would work on my friend’s commissions that weekend.

    May 4’th- Once again my friend was able to get a hold of Abby and asked how things were going. They had stated that school was practically slaying them, but that they would be able to work on them that Saturday.

    May 14’th- My friend sent an AIM message to Abby saying that Saturday had come and gone. The artist logged out an hour later without saying a word to her.

    May 29’th- My friend emailed her and this was the first time she mentioned a refund. No response.

    June- More time passed.
    My friend tried to get in touch with Abby a few times on a few different websites. She noticed that Abby would post things occasionally on tumblr/lj/chats. Eventually my friend broke down and asked the artist’s roommate if Abby was alright and to pass a message along saying that she’d been trying to get in touch with Abby for awhile now. The roommate said she would tell Abby.

    July 3’rd- When that last live journal message went unanswered I wrote up an email and sent it to the only form of communication I had with the artist, the email they gave me to send their payment to. I stated that if they did not email me back from them by July 15’th 2011 I would write up a post for artist_beware.

    July 15’th- I did not receive a response. I got bogged down with work and was unable to log into AIM (however I check my email religiously) and double check to see if my friend heard from her, I decided to hold off on posting to artist_beware to ensure that no mistakes were made.

    July 30’th- I finally logged back into AIM and started collecting material for this post. My friend wanted to try one last time to get a hold of Abby, with a new deadline of Monday August 1’st, 2011.

    August 2- I finally sent in this report to artist_beware.


    Artist accepted commission. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/kinabaki/Commission%20Issues%20for%20artist_beware/commissionproof1.jpg
    Artist said they received payment. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/kinabaki/Commission%20Issues%20for%20artist_beware/commissionproof2.jpg
    Paypal statement showing money had been sent/received. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/kinabaki/Commission%20Issues%20for%20artist_beware/commissionproof3.jpg
    Artist’s missed deadline. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/kinabaki/Commission%20Issues%20for%20artist_beware/commissionproof4.jpg
    Artist ignores my friend/their client. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/kinabaki/Commission%20Issues%20for%20artist_beware/commissionproof5.jpg
    Requesting refund. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/kinabaki/Commission%20Issues%20for%20artist_beware/commissionproof6.jpg
    Trying other methods of getting a hold of her. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/kinabaki/Commission%20Issues%20for%20artist_beware/commissionproof7.jpg
    Asking roommate to let the artist know she is missed. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/kinabaki/Commission%20Issues%20for%20artist_beware/commissionproof8.jpg
    Formal request of a refund from the person who actually sent the money. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/kinabaki/Commission%20Issues%20for%20artist_beware/commissionproof9.jpg
    Final warning before posting here. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/kinabaki/Commission%20Issues%20for%20artist_beware/commissionproof10.jpg

    Here is a lj post made by my friend, pretty much saying her thoughts on the matter. It was originally private but I asked that she make it public for the sake of this post.

    And here is the artist’s lj, showing that she’s spent time online since she’d started ignoring my friend.

    I’m not trying to be a villain here. I realize that when you play the game of life that stuff comes up, especially when you’re in school. I’m in art school myself and I know how sometimes you’ve got to put outside projects aside so that you can get your pressing assignments done.

    However, I feel that ignoring emails, pms, tells, and all other what have you’s for as long as she has is just rude. This is where my discontent mainly lays.

    If anyone has any suggestions of how to handle situations like this, I’d love to hear it.

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