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  • Beware: Kannos

    • Who: Kannos/Kannosart
      Where: https://inkbunny.net/Kannos (IB - consider NSFW)
      https://inkbunny.net/Kannosart (IB - consider NSFW)
      When: 11/04/2013
      What: Commission

    Kannos / Kannosart / KannosWD

    https://inkbunny.net/Kannos (IB - consider NSFW)
    https://inkbunny.net/Kannosart (IB - consider NSFW)

    Two Character Realism Auction (IB - consider NSFW) - Total Value $876.39USD (750USD+126.39USD to cover all Paypal processing) - Bid won by Baybea whom was bidding for TheSnowedOne


    Full Color Character Reference Sheet for Baybea - Total Value $320.94USD (275USD+45.94USD to cover all Paypal processing)

    Commissioners involved:
    Baybea - https://inkbunny.net/Baybea (IB - consider NSFW)


    TheSnowedOne - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/thesnowedone/

    Baybea's Full Color Character Reference Sheet paid for on the 4th November 2013.
    TheSnowedOne's Two Character Realism Piece paid for on the 13th November 2013 - Bidding Agent Baybea

    IB Journals
    Birthday.. - IB direct link is HERE - 8th Nov 2013, 6:36pm
    Thanks. -IB direct link is HERE - posted 9th Nov 2013, 9:30am
    2 Character Realism Auction - ANYTHING GOES (Emergency)- IB direct link is HERE - posted 10th Nov 2013, 9:57am

    Paypal Payments
    Payment for Full Color Character Reference Sheet
    Payment for TheSnowedOne's Two Character Realism Piece

    IB Private Message Logs
    16th Aug 2014, 8:38pm - 19th Feb 2015, 9:37am - IB - Private Message Conversation from OLD account Kannos
    21st Feb 2015, 6:51pm - present - IB - Private Message Conversation from NEW account Kannosart

    Baybea (a person friend) had been dealing with Kannos over a number of months with positive results. Service was friendly; the artist was approachable and seemed to be trying to endevouring to turn service around. A number of smaller commission (3 in total) were made to Kannos by Baybea previously. These commissions had a good turn around with no issues on the result and payment was requested only after the final image was ready. Due to having no credit card; Baybea uses my paypal account to make payments.

    Based on this positive experience Baybea then commissioned the Full Color Character Reference Commission. This was agreed on over Skype approximately October 2013; (No logs available - Baybea's Skype logs only go back about 6 months due to a laptop rebuild).

    Either during this commission request discussion or around the same time on Skype Kannos made mention of financial issues. Baybea responded by paying for the commission up front instead of only after image completion. Payment was accepted by Kannos (proof above).

    Starting the 8th of November; Kannos over two journals linked about ("Birthday.." and "Thanks." describes some financial distress which including a charge back from Paypal of around ~1200USD; leaving their paypal account in the negative by ~900USD. To alleviate this issue a day later on the 10th of November Kannos starts a 2 Character Realism Auction - ANYTHING GOES as an emergency commission. It is noted payment is required before the 18tth of November to cover car payments.

    Encouraged by Baybea (due to her positive experiences with Kannos and what seemed a friendly rapport) I request Baybea to bid on the auction for myself; bidding up to the minimum required for full body pieces.

    Over email I note I need time to get the required information together for this commission however to make sure the car payment is not missed I would pay up front. This transaction is completed on the 13th November (see above).

    Unfortunately at this point I have both a combination of health and work issues that prevent me from returning to Kannos with all the required information to complete this information until approximately April 2014. During this time Baybea keeps in contact with Kannos over updates to her full character commission every couple of months. More issues affect Kannos life which are reported on IB via journals. However Kannos would regularly promise sketches of the initial reference sheet normally within the next week (usually after the following weekend). None of these promises were fulfilled. Progress is apparently being made on Baybea's Character Reference but either due to location or other personal issues Kannos is not able to show any updates to Baybea.

    This continues after I have given Kannos all the information for my requests via email. Requests for updates now include my commission as well; again with promises of sketches in a week or so time.

    Requests for updates by Baybea start to not get responded to on both Skype and IB. After over a month of no response at the end of May 2014 I request contact by Kannos with 72 hours or I would consider Kannos to have no intention of fulfilling the commission.

    As the 72 hour deadline hit I finally managed to get Kannos on Skype on the 2nd of June 2014 (once again unfortunately my Skype logs are unavailable due to computer rebuild about 8 months ago). I note I am unsatisfied by the lack of responses and also the multiple promises of sketches. During this conversation I note I am an administrator for a number of Furry websites and communities (by this point I know they have already been banned from FA).

    Kannos responds by explaining they are currently under a large amount of stress due to personal issues; they promise to catch up on the outstanding sketches. I agree to not proceed with any further action at this point. Kannos then Skypes with Baybea noting that I upset them and they are uncomfortable with dealing with me further as they are worried I will "do" something to them. It is agreed that Baybea will act as the point of contact from this point forward so long as Kannos keeps with regular updates.

    16th Aug 2014, 8:38pm - 19th Feb 2015, 9:37am - IB - Private Message Conversation from OLD account Kannos

    The above IB private message log pick up at this point. Over the remaining months Kannos continues to make promises of updates after exceedingly long gaps of no communication despite update requests.

    21st Feb 2015, 6:51pm - present - IB - Private Message Conversation from NEW account Kannosart

    On the 21st of February Kannos contacts Baybea on a new IB account "Kannosart". The reason given by Kannos is that they are having problems logging into their other account "Kannos".

    Baybea responds by noting that and requesting an update on everything with a note that she is having pressure placed on her to see some of the promised sketches. After nearly a month of no response on the 19th of March Kannos responds with:
    "Sorry I don't have time for commissions anymore with work, I'm going to have to cancel it."

    Baybea acquiesces Kannos' cancellation request and proceeds to note the amounts needed to refund both Baybea and myself with the Paypal account used (mine in both cases).

    Kannos after 10 days responds on Saturday 28th March with:
    "I don't have the money to refund. I'm barely able to afford rent 😕 rant about me to A_B all you want I don't care anymore."

    Baybea then notes Kannos response; notes that she would have been happy to work out a payment scheme but will do as Kannos requests and also look into legal options. She then also notes she would advise myself of the response.

    It is therefore with some disappointment that we arrive here.

    UPDATE - 2015-04-11: The account "Kannosart" on IB has been determined by IB staff to be an impostor. Baybea has responded to a journal post by the original "Kannos" account to contact via email and is following up.

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