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  • Beware: Gorehund

    • Who: Gorehund
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/gorehund
      When: 05/08/2014
      What: Commission



    UPDATE #2: (DATE: September 22nd, 2016) I messaged both the new owner, and gorehund. the badge was not sent to the the new owner after our second conversation about it being shipped. I messaged gorehund and did not recieve any response even after my mutiple times trying to reach them until days later. Finally after contacting me, I cannot say I have had a worse experience working with someone ever. Please do not commission this artist unless you would like to be wait years, and be treated like garbage.
    attempts of contact:
    Our conversation:
    PB's new owner, and I's conversation:
    UPDATE: still hasn't been shipped to the new owner!!! (date is September 20th 2016)
    WHO: Gorehund

    FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/gorehund

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/gorehund

    WHERE: Commission engagements were taken via FA, and Twitter. 

    WHAT:  Detailed traditional badge.

    Payment proof: http://imgur.com/1OtePnJ , http://i.imgur.com/hkGScsj.png

    WHEN: Commission was paid May 8th 2014.


    Journal indicating my slot: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/5730670/ / http://i.imgur.com/9OqquX6.png

    Payment proof: http://imgur.com/1OtePnJ , http://i.imgur.com/hkGScsj.png

    Finished product in 2014: http://www.furaffinity.net/full/13945451/

    EXPLAIN:  I commissioned Gorehund in 2014 for a badge of my new (at the time) character, PB the saber tooth. I paid $50 for the badge, and shipping. The badge was completed in early July. Everything seemed to be running smoothly. However, I never received the badge. Two years later now, I had sold the character, and suit. This may (2016) I contacted Gorehund via twitter, mentioning that I never received the badge, and that it would be nice to get a refund, or have the badge sent to the new owner. They replied, asking for a new address to contact the new owner, and the was the end of it. More than two months later, I contact the new owner of PB, and they have not even heard from Gorehund. I immediately contacted gorehund, and they asked where to reach them (though i had already told them in may). This has been one of the worst experiences with an artist I have ever received. All replies to me were cold, and extremely unapologetic. Long story short I have not received what I paid $55usd for in over two years.

    May interaction via twitter: http://i.imgur.com/vR6CrX9.png

    August 8th 2016 interaction (today): http://i.imgur.com/DPH1XM5.png

    *note: My username changed from bambi. to strawberrymilk in late 2014

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