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  • Beware: Flarveon

    • Who: Flarveon
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/flarveon/
      When: 03/10/2012
      What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts


    May. 1st, 2012 at 3:10 AM


    WHO: Flarveon

    WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/flarveon/ but purchase happened on FursuitAuctions here on LJ

    WHAT: Fur purchase

    WHEN: Purchased March 9th/10th, Paypal forced refund went through yesterday.

    PROOF: Purchased from this posting: http://fursuitauctions.livejournal.com/2417221.html
    (post is too long to capture on my computer, but here is my purchase agreement http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/2488/tneonorange001129.png )
    Paypal record (including forced refund) http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/9485/flarveonpaypalredacted.png


    I saw Flarveon's posting on FursuitAuctions for some neat furs from NZ, and I picked a few out and promptly sent payment. Initially, due to the large response, she said she would pick the furs up from the store on Thursday or Friday her time, and mail them out same day or Monday. I didn't hear anything back, so I sent her a message on LJ that I didn't receive a reply to, so I noted her on her FA on the 19th. I got a response back right away, saying she'd been delayed and she'd be going on Wednesday. http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/408/firstnotecolors.png (I am red, she is blue)
    I believe I went to note her after this time, and her profile said at the top not to note her, so I believe I made a shout instead. I can't seem to find my screencap of the shouts I made though. Well, after I did that she made another posting on fursuitauctions updating everyone that she would be going on Monday
    http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/7953/fursuitauctions001241.png <-second from bottom post).
    I didn't hear anything from her, so I commented on that post on the 27th asking for an update. That went ignored.
    I also made a shout on her page. I don't have her page, but I do have the reply shouts she made on mine from my control panel
    So, she said she picked them up, and couldn't get to the post office. Well, didn't hear anything again, so I believe I made another shout, which prompted her to make another post on Fursuitauctions she's going to pick it up on Wednesday
    http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/7953/fursuitauctions001241.png top post
    I commented on that post on the 10th asking for an update, no response. On the 11th, I got some shouts saying she had gone to pick up the fur, but there was an earthquake, so she would refund instead and was transferring money to her paypal (as seen in above link of shouts). I didn't hear anything for a few days, and it came to the end of the window for dispute, so I filed for it and sent the rest of the people who had purchased furs on that post a heads up that the dispute window was closing. After myself and another person filed our disputes, she posted this on FursuitAuctions
    so I noted her
    http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/5913/flarveonnotecolors.png (I'm red, she's blue).
    She says she will respond asap, but this is the last communication I received at all from her. I gave the dispute 4 days for a response, and I know she had internet because she commented on plenty of stuff in the meantime. I escalated the dispute to a claim, and at no point during the ten day period for seller response did she respond, so Paypal pushed my refund through. I'm grateful for that at least, but this whole ordeal was unpleasant to say the least. Any sort of update had to be prompted by me, sometimes through several methods of communication. I got told at least three different stories about the fur being picked up when it hadn't been, and by not responding in any way to the dispute/claim she made this drag out as long as possible. I'm sympathetic to the earthquake situation, but it has to be said if she had gone and done this at any point in the preceding month (what was it, three times she had said she'd go, or four?) the earthquake would have had no bearing on this transaction whatsoever.

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