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  • Beware: Dariuskoopa/ DMK

    • Who: Dariuskoopa/ DMK
      Where: IFC 2011
      When: 08/01/2011
      What: Commission


    May. 7th, 2012 at 9:55 PM


    Last iFC, I wanted to get a badge from him. Something simple. He was doing sketches and badges of characters dressed up in Video Game attire. During my huge kick with Tales of Vesperia, I wanted my character dressed as Karol Kapel from Tales of Vesperia.

    WHO: Dariuskoopa or DMK

    WHERE: iFC 2011.

    WHAT: I commissioned him to make a badge of my character in person.

    WHEN: Ever since August of 2011 at last years iFC. I've noted him various times in regards to the progress an at least getting an email of the completed product. I saw him at MFF as well, and he told me that he would bring it, provided I noted him, which I did, and something else that I forgot to do. He doesn't send anything in the mail, due to past bad experiences. I've noted him countless times and he said that he has and would email it again, but I have yet to get any emails on it.

    PROOF: http://tinypic.com/r/eb1l5y/6

    EXPLAIN: He's a friend of mine and I wanted to give him some business at the con, so I got a badge and heard he doesn't send stuff over the mail. Bad experiences and I can dig that. I mean, if something sucks enough, you find work arounds. I've been noting him since August of 2011 and I have been getting responces on it, and notes stating that it was emailed to me, yet I still haven't received it. He did a journal of people he still has to email stuff out to and to note him, which I did, and I still haven't gotten anything on it. Granted, it's been a couple months since I've last noted him because I'm getting tired, but still. The transactions were in person, so there is no receipt or anything of the like, sadly. I'd just like to see my work that I commissioned for.

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