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  • Beware: Skippy-Adopts

    • Who: Beware: Skippy-Adopts
      Where: https://www.deviantart.com/skippy-adopts
      When: 05/11/2013
      What: Commission

    May 5, 2014

    It was rejected first cause it was too early, but since she blocked me after trying to solve it, I think it's fair to post it now.

    WHO: Skippy-Adopts

    WHERE: Skippy-Adopts on DeviantART not sure about other accounts.

    WHAT: An adoptable I bought, then was taken back forcefully without notifying me at all.

    WHEN: May 11th 2013

    PROOF: On May 11th-12th I saw a cute adoptable (screenshots in case of deleted.) on DeviantArt and decided to autobuy it. The paid for transaction for points was too far back in my transactions however it still shows it in her donation pool on her page.

    EXPLAIN: On May 12th I autobought an adoptable from Skippy-Adopts as stated above. Today I posted I'm re-homing my characters because they no longer get the love they used to get. So I wanted them to have better attention and posted a journal that they're for sale/trade for other stuff. I've had this character since a while so it comes with a bunch of art but even so after a while it didn't get the attention it used to get anymore.

    So couple days ago I got notified that Skippy re-sold the design I bought from her without my permission or notifying me at all. (screenshot because she removed it) So basically it was stolen from me as well as all the art, did a few tiny changes to the design and that's it. I left a comment on it that it was harsh and just unfair to claim it back, because I care for characters and getting their deserved love. But this is just rude and I felt betrayed. I notified the person who bought that re-sold design that they will have to deal with a twin one. They said they're fine with that, I told them I'm not sure if I ever find a new owner for her if the new owner would be alright with that. I didn't mind on my part but the art would not be related to it.

    I commented that it wasn't fair on the re-sold submission, days later Philo commented she wanted her points back when I told her the situation whereby I commented again "the only way to solve it was to refund her the points and delete the re-sold adoptable." Apparently she went for the way so I couldn't reply to her by blocking me after removing.
    Now that I'm re-posting this as of today, she deleted the image and has blocked me so I couldn't contact back at all. I wish she handled this maturely and apologized for stealing back the character, but instead she took the attitude way out to block me.

    Please beware of this person if you adopt(ed) something, who knows who will be next with getting their character stolen back without knowing, just because you want to give it a better home.

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