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  • Beware: BlueFlameWolf

    • Who: BlueFlameWolf
      Where: http://www.freewebs.com/bluflamewolf/apps/blog/
      When: 03/18/2011
      What: Commission



    Aug. 3rd, 2012 at 7:42 PM


    WHO: BlueFlameWolf.
    http://www.freewebs.com/bluflamewolf/apps/blog/ http://blueflamewolf.deviantart.com/ It's going to be scattered. This has happened over the year, and I will do my best to get everything in order.
    WHAT: Ok, so I payed $100 for two 15 piece sets for my chat site, Immer Treu. We had agreed on Eastern Dragons, and Prezwalski's Horse.

    Asked her about the set, since she has been active selling her premade sets from her chat that she is no longer working on.
    It has been read, but not responded to. (Note: She might be reading it now and responding- I'm not saying she isn't going to respond at all).dd.png

    Edit 2: She got back to a note I recently sent, saying she's going to try to refund me. Hopefully she will, and we can put this entry at rest.bfw.png

    EDIT 3 (3/4/13):

    We were talking VIA notes, and on Friday (3/1/13), she had told me she would be sending me money when her check was cleared.


    Got a note (and a little blip from Paypal on my phone), that I had been sent/received my 50$.


    So I can proudly say this can be resolved!

    WHEN: At first all seemed good (I actually got a set from her for Sumatran Rabbits a while back, and they got done in good time), but then things started happening. She had issues in real life which of course I fully understood. I PMed or noted her for updates, which she sent. Eventually months went by, and the replies seemed less and less. I told her the first time around I was going to post here to A_B if the first set wasn't done. She got it done (after apologizing) and I was happy. She said she'd start the horses in a few days. Well, days went by and I began to contact her, in which she read my PMs but never replied. Recent ones she had ignored, and said she was too busy working on her own chat site first. Again, I tried to sound as nice as I could, and told her if I didn't see the set/50$ refund soon,  (which was over weeks ago when I sent that), then I would be posting here. She ignored it, and I sent another warning. Again, ignored.
    I apologize if these are scattered, since they took place on different sites. I will post my proof that I sent the money first, and go from there.

    Proof of payment, names blurred (except mine)


    I deeply apologize if these are out of order. I had to send double pms/notes from the forum to DA to get her attention.
    Here we go:
    Unfortunately, the forum doesn't go back to when I sent the message for the TOS. So I only have after she accepted.


     - Mention of payment


     - Agreement


     - Update


     - update

     - Update


     - Update

     - Update


     - Final Reply

    I have not heard back from her since.
    This was her apology to me, and her other commissioners in the note mentioned:

    I have tried to be patient with her, because I really didn't want it coming to this. I didn't want to post her here, nor did I want to send those last two PMs. I have asked for her to either continue the set, or refund me. She has ignored me, and so I posted her here

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