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  • Beware: BlueBreed

    • Who: BlueBreed
      Where: https://inkbunny.net/BlueBreed
      When: 04/05/2016
      What: Commission



    WHO: BlueBreed

    WHERE: InkBunny - https://inkbunny.net/BlueBreed (NSFW)

    WHAT: $10 colored single character image

    WHEN: Payment was agreed upon and sent on April 5, 2016. As of now, the artist hasn't responded to any of my attempts to contact them.


    The initial agreement - http://i.imgur.com/mr3UyHv.png

    The PayPal payment - http://i.imgur.com/CVv6vgT.png

    A tweet I sent to him asking him about the status of the commission queue - http://i.imgur.com/DCwSk1X.png

    His old Journal about offering refunds, where I posted about messaging him a day after I tweeted to him - http://i.imgur.com/nInfpih.jpg

    A second message chain I sent him in case he wasn't able to see the original one for some reason - http://i.imgur.com/v4wtuI9.png

    EXPLAIN: BlueBreed had a limited-time special going on for $10 colored commissions. After sending the payment on April 5th, he put me on his commission list. On the June 29th, he posted a journal saying that people who hadn't received as much as a sketch from him can ask for a refund because he was gonna be busy with work and school for a while. I decided to wait on it because I understand that artists are still people and things can't always go as smooth and fast as expected.

    After a few months and seeing a handful of images posted along with a journal for Pay-What-You-Want sketches, I decided to ask him for an update on October 13th just to make sure I haven't been forgotten about, and never received an answer. He was doing streams and working on personal Halloween stuff while posting journals and Tweets, so it's not like he was off the grid. I thought that maybe he just hadn't been paying attention to his messages on InkBunny, so I sent him a tweet on October 25th asking him about the commission and that I had messaged him a little while back. Still no response.

    I still gave him the benefit of the doubt for some reason, so I sent a different message asking about a refund on October 31st in case something happened to the first message and he couldn't access it, and then another message on November 4th to try and get his attention. He's still been streaming and decently active, but refused to even give me an update on a service I paid for.

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