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  • Beware: BigBlueDragon/BigBlueRaptor/LeeLee/TrashDogeKing

    • Who: BigBlueDragon/BigBlueRaptor/LeeLee/TrashDogeKing
      Where: https://twitter.com/clockworkraver
      When: 08/19/2017
      What: Commission



    Name: BigBlueDragon

    Location: This took place during Furrydelphia 2017

    Website: http://www.bigblueraptor.com/2017/08/04/furrydelphia/

    Commission Type: My commission was a digital headshot led badge of my fursona.

    Basic Overview: I commissioned BigBlueDragon on August 19th 2017 at Furrydelphia in the Dealers Den. The commission was of an led headshot badge of my fursona and the expected date to be finished was September 4th. My badge was fully completed February 18th 2018, and the last date of contact I had with BigBlueDragon was on March 11th 2018. (Hence this post)

    The Detailed Answer: 

    August 19th 2017: Commissioned the artist in the dealers den at Furrydelphia and paid $21.20 in cash, upfront. Was informed that the commission wouldn’t take long to finish, and I requested a finish date for September 4th. I was informed that the artist worked from Artnab.net and that all updates and communication could easily be done through that website. Pictures of my fursona were taken from my badge before I left the table.

    August 21st 2017: Furrydelphia ended and I uploaded a brief description of my fursona as well as corresponding images on Artnab.

    August 30th 2017: Posted my name and address through Artnab.

    September 16th 2017: BigBlueDragon responds and has a sketch of my sona after the requested due date of my commission, communication becomes fairly consistent through the month of September and October and then becomes spotty in November. 

    December 2nd, 2017: I reach out to BigBlueDragon using the email provided through Artnab and communication slows down but is still consistent. Progress on the commission continues through email due to difficulties through Artnab. By the middle of January the digital headshot has been finished.

    February 1st 2018: I reached back out to see the progress on my commission and received an email on the 18th with an image of my completed commission, printed, cut, laminated, and led, all done. I ask when to expect her within the mail, and I receive no response.

    March 3rd 2018: I email BigBlueDragon about an update about my badge being mailed. I receive a response on March 11th asking for my address again. I respond with my name and address hoping for my badge to arrive in the mail in about a week.

    March 26th 2018: I reach out again to BigBlueDragon about my badge and express my concern as the badge has been completed, and yet hasn’t been mailed out. At this point in time it has taken over 7 months to complete.

    April 26th 2018: I sent out another email to BigBlueDragon asking about an update on my badge being sent out. I have yet to receive a response. It has been 8 months and 3 weeks since this badge was commissioned, and it has been 8 weeks since I last had contact with BigBlueDragon. I have even tried to reach out through the website which they and their partner co-run, and haven’t gotten a response to that either.

    I believe my timeline and images provide a good chunk of information about the main problem, communication issues. In the beginning things were great through Artnab, I was posting stuff, I could see that they were looking at my posts and responding to it. I believe the issue in communication started when my references for my fursona seemed to be overlooked. The process dramatically slowed down as I had to point out issues one at a time and work them out until it met my approval. Once Artnab was giving us trouble, we switched over to email where our communication became slowed down further to hearing from BigBlueDragon after a few weeks at a time. Currently, the main source of frustration is that my badge has been completed, and I have yet to receive it.

    Artnab Sept 16th update

    Artnab Sept 21st

    Artnab Sept 27th

    Artnab Sept 29th

    Artnab Oct 4th

    Artnab Oct 11th

    Artnab Nov 7th

    Headshot reference on artnab and Oct 2nd reference reposted

    Fullbody reference on artnab

    Reference for the cheek mark on artnab

    Email 2 Completed Headshot (Scroll down to see it in the email)

    Email 1 showing what I wanted visually when I couldn't describe it with words alone

    Email 1 showing what I wanted visually when I couldn't describe it with words alone

    My finished badge, image received through email Feb 18th

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