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About Me

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  1. Outline: - Original agreement: on 12/23/23 I reached out to Michi on FA and was told I could send them a message on Discord. After doing that, exchanging hellos, and confirming I was interested in a YCH slot, I shared my ref and sent the payment ($45) after they sent me an invoice. After which they told me it would be a day or two before they could send me a WIP, which was fine. Sure enough, they began sending WIPs, and I was happy with the work, however, after a bit, communication began to get scarcer. I reached out for an update on FA, and they got back to me with a nearly complete version, just missing some color in places and some shading. After that, all communications dropped. I tried reaching out over FA and Discord over the months, but have gone ignored. I tried to go through PayPal to get my money back, but it was declined, as it has been more than 180 days. Replaced old screenshots with some hopefully clearer quality screenshots of the Furaffinity messages with date and time, and an email has been sent, and so far has not been replied to. Also added the invoice
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