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  1. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/871926.html Below is the account of my experiences with Miikywhiskers/Aoifhe/Catslaps/412009074/Chisey/Nhyau/LiIIian/qewtie/Kiri-ty/Cattits. Here are the following Usernames I know of she has/may use as of now: http://nhyau.deviantart.com/ http://miikywhiskers.deviantart.com/ http://liiiian.deviantart.com/ http://412009074.deviantart.com/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/qewti/ http://kiri-ty.tumblr.com/ http://thunderpoon.deviantart.com/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/cuffedkitty/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/aoifhe/ On the date of February 4th 2015, I payed Chisey/Miikywhiskers, 80$ Some of which went to a character being payed off, a sketch, and the remaining 30$ went to a design commission. On the date of April 28th 2015 I asked if I could have my design drawn as such - http://nhyau.deviantart.com/art/kiri-ref-wip-529636970 (You can still see my comments in the bottom if she hasn't gone as far as to hide them - if so I provide a screen shot below. http://orig10.deviantart.net/8948/f/2015/237/f/4/ca35e316d6f4e6ef3baaf46f010e38bf_by_avomeir-d975xm1.png for another 15$ she said it would normally be twenty, so I met in the middle and sent 18$, later sending another 2$ to make 20$. Proof of all payments - http://orig00.deviantart.net/cf47/f/2015/245/4/0/90aa95d1099f1246b4a6dc1f9284c381_by_avomeir_d979q2_by_avomeir-d986cwd.png http://orig11.deviantart.net/8855/f/2015/245/3/4/0dff8c50761d75bc7abc529040e8ed3d_by_avomeir_d979q7_by_avomeir-d986cwi.png http://orig11.deviantart.net/d84b/f/2015/245/1/a/9562d25ae5902a2922d8cd4a19be3f7b_by_avomeir-d986eh1.png I waited paitently for four months, trying to understand whatever she may be going through I then asked about the satus of my commission, wondering if she had forgotten. Proof- http://orig02.deviantart.net/1c76/f/2015/238/c/0/eaaa5c04b3fa02c3eaa7203bc97aef62_by_avomeir-d979qq5.png She said she would try to get to it that day. That did not happen, and she spent the next two months taking on more ych's and doing various personal projects. I waited two more months. During which she said she wasn't going to do design commissions anymore and we could either change it for a substitute or a refund. I payed for a design. I didn't want anything else, I also didn't want a refund because she had already spent my money and there was no telling how long it would take for her to return it to me.(The journal this conversation took place on has since been removed, else I'd provide proper screenshots.) After a small dispute, and discussion she agreed to do my design. I received my design finally on August 12th 2015. http://orig02.deviantart.net/e4b9/f/2015/238/a/8/c8fd4a3fd61f0c37983d62961e32cfe6_by_avomeir-d979qqj.png This design is lovely, however not what I asked for. This design is on the waitress base, not the lines I requested and paid for. Seeing this I asked if I myself, or her could fix it. She had previously proclaimed to be profoundly busy throughout the past few months, so I assumed with what she had been saying, I would do so. She responded with "yeah sure doll :3" Sure to which?? Her or me doing it? Confused I followed up asking if I was going to do it. I waited 10 days, no response. So I used the lines above and placed the design on it. She went off on me, for drawing on something I paid for anyway. She wasn't going to create whole new lines for me, she was going to edit the current ones I picked out as a reference. So why it was such a big deal I'm not entirely sure. She is very point blank with her commissions, she doesn't go out of her way to make them better than what someone paid for. Conversation: http://orig04.deviantart.net/b760/f/2015/238/2/d/bf84322875a61109ed0856c3cebe39ea_by_avomeir-d979t2s.png At this time I had paid 50$ for another art piece by her upon which the design dispute happened she said she would refund me. The design dispute took place on August 22nd 2015. Proof of other commission- http://orig02.deviantart.net/b93a/f/2015/245/6/a/b3b878ffd8cffa02c56786f0da3d34e9_by_avomeir-d986g1t.png I noted her setting up a deadline for this refund on August 25, 2015. I gave her a month from when she said she would refund (which was the 22nd) me before I would attempt to charge back the money. However, unfortunately after looking into it, I can only charge back through my bank within 30 days of the transaction, and paypal will not dispute digital goods. Therefore my only means to have my money returned is her giving it back, seeing as she has not responded or been very compliant I do not foresee a refund at all. It is now the 23rd and I still have not received a refund. Proof of refund statement: http://orig07.deviantart.net/b8e8/f/2015/266/c/1/__by_avomeir-d9anskm.png Deadline: http://orig10.deviantart.net/4108/f/2015/246/b/3/f50bcfba820216e9e7907ebe6382edbd_by_avomeir-d98a356.png Proof she saw my message and knew about my deadline: http://orig00.deviantart.net/604e/f/2015/266/0/1/image_by_avomeir-d9amo2o.jpg I say "Atleast my, 50$" Because I sent this message - http://orig08.deviantart.net/133b/f/2015/238/9/d/4970feddd17d3be2579b44a9897bc5f0_by_avomeir-d97a6px.png Asking if I could also be returned my 20$ for not having my design drawn properly, however this was not required seeing as I had received atleast some of my good purchased. I wasn't going to demand for a refund of that 20$ Overall, it has been difficult to work with her. She does not cooperate with her customers, and will take entirely too long on your commission, coming up with plenty of excuses as to why it's not done. Please take this is a warning to all of those thinking of purchasing from her. Until she gets her act together and stops procrastinating and not having money to refund if needed, do not purchase anything from her. It is in Your best interest.
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