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  1. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/946679.html WHO: TealStreaks, AKA CandyAppleKisses/MajesticRoar/pinkustardust/TorvaNox/HarlequinDevil, and possibly other names WHERE: http://tealstreaks.deviantart.com/ & http://www.furaffinity.net/user/TorvaNox WHAT: 18+ Digital Art, Screencaps follow below. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8agli3jmh3vuvnt/Original Note Dates.PNG?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/9yid0qpscv7jkb3/First Note Screenshot.PNG?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/h3bkew97f67oi4d/YCH Commission Submission.PNG?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/6lwq9zxavxic0wi/Second Note Full Convo.PNG?dl=0 (NSFW) https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqqyfbcs6h5fqa2/pinkustardust FA Account Note.PNG?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/qef5ynwpf5hv5mq/PayPal email July 14 2012.PNG?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/vp6m003l2846i4e/DeviantART Notes.PNG?dl=0 (NSFW) https://www.dropbox.com/s/8fk8vpuo5drmv7x/DeviantART Notes2.PNG?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/j2eft57dokyheu0/DeviantART Notes3.PNG?dl=0 WHEN: Around May 9th, 2012 for the first one, July 14th, 2012 for the second. Re-established contact around January 21st, 2016. All dates are shown in the screencaps above as well. PROOF: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1p3pqghdpbbdmnp/AAC-pN2f7LeWyjggsC5J0coea?dl=0 (Contains all previously linked content, 2 items within are considered NSFW) EXPLAIN: I had originally purchased a My Little Pony-themed YCH Commission from this artist for $10. Sadly, I do not have a PayPal or e-mail screencap for it, due to most of my transactions before 2014 not being visible on my account for some reason, and it is likely that I deleted the e-mail of this particular purchase from my inbox, as I had cleared out a lot of spam e-mails a few years back. I do in fact still have a screenshot from my inbox for the second transaction, however, also linked above. (https://www.dropbox.com/s/qef5ynwpf5hv5mq/PayPal%20email%20July%2014%202012.PNG?dl=0) I had been willing to remain patient, and in fact, had forgotten about them after a while, and rediscovered them while looking through my notes on FurAffinity in October of 2015, while looking for details in regards to another, unrelated commission. I had contacted her on her pinkustardust account on FurAffinity, having been redirected through a link to her new account on her MajesticRoar account, about them, and she requested that I contact her via deviantART (as shown here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqqyfbcs6h5fqa2/pinkustardust FA Account Note.PNG?dl=0), which I did. (Warning, NSFW: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vp6m003l2846i4e/DeviantART Notes.PNG?dl=0) I had initially simply requested that the second pic be changed, since I had recently come into ownership of a new character, and wanted that character featured in the image instead. However, after some consideration, and a little bit of a financial issue caused by my bank, I decided to instead request a refund for both pieces, to which she, somewhat rudely replied that it is not her problem, and that she doesn't force anyone to commission her, to which I replied, rather cordially, providing screencaps via dropbox links, that my commissions were both from 2012, and that I have been on her queue for quite some time, with no show of progress for either of them. Surely she couldn't have commissions waiting THAT long, could she? Her response was that she did, over 3 years at that point. I found that rather hard to believe, and questioned her about it, to which she gave another somewhat rude response, pictured above. Several hours later, however, she provided a very rough sketch of the second requested image, featuring the newer character, pictured here: (Warning, NSFW: http://sta.sh/0270p6e73p0u ) Over 3 years, and all I've received so far is a very messy sketch. However, it WAS progress, so, perhaps a bit too generously, I half-heartedly apologized, and, in order to simplify things, requested that the YCH image be dropped, and instead just have them put towards upgrading the pic, so as to get a better-quality image, and also because by that point, I was no longer into the whole My Little Pony fad, to which she agreed, as can be seen in the second note dump. (https://www.dropbox.com/s/8fk8vpuo5drmv7x/DeviantART%20Notes2.PNG?dl=0) About a full year later, with no signs of progress, I decided to inquire again, as shown here here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j2eft57dokyheu0/DeviantART Notes3.PNG?dl=0 I had been seething at this point, but masked my anger and pretended to sympathize. Fastforward to March 3rd, 2017. After another year of no contact or updates, I had noticed that TealStreaks was doing a NSFW livestream, (https://www.dropbox.com/s/3uks7gl5xfg4d23/DeviantART%20Journals.PNG?dl=0) something she's done quite a few of, as well as opened commissions, and art trades a few times, as seen in the above screenshots. Feeling like taking a gamble, I attempted to join the stream, but was denied entry twice. Feeling frustrated, and feeling that this was motivated in part by not wanting to do the work I've been waiting on for almost 5 years at this point, since the stream journal specifically requested that you enter with your username, I posted a comment asking why, to which she responded with this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jdrffad9ggv1htu/Semi-Rude Response.PNG?dl=0 And after I joined the stream, I bore witness to this conversation, before she ended the stream: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v3jr3myh0pmki5g/TealStreaks Talking Shit.PNG?dl=0 She not only insulted me there, but the entirety of the FurAffinity community through that conversation with whom I assume is her significant other. That, for me, was the final straw. As you can see, I had a comment ready to post in response to that. The stream ended shortly before I could post it, but I collected the conversation through multiple screencaps and saved it to link here. I didn't want the pic finished for fap material, as she seems to think, but for the principle of getting what you pay for, and finishing what you start, something she's clearly incapable of doing, based off my experiences with her. At this point, I don't care if the pic gets done or not anymore. If it does, great, she's earned the money I gave her almost 5 freaking years ago. If not, then it shows just how TealStreaks (or whatever name she'll be going by after this goes up, I don't doubt she'll change her username to try to escape the backlash) really is. I only hope that nobody else gets screwed over by her like I did. It's far too late for me to take this up with PayPal, and it's not a huge amount of money to me now, anyway, but it's about the principle of the matter. I paid her for work, and she didn't deliver. I advise anyone who finds TealStreaks to avoid commissioning her at all costs. Update 3/16/17: I have recently received contact from TealStreaks, who has apologized for her actions and attitude towards me, shown in the following linked notes. (https://www.dropbox.com/s/0t96dl45047o20d/TealStreaks%20Apology.PNG?dl=0 & https://www.dropbox.com/s/gkquiib8y15gm6x/TealStreaks Apology2.PNG?dl=0) In addition, she has provided a full refund for both commissions (screencap here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1lqrr4rzjcd3whp/PayPal Refund March 16 2017.PNG?dl=0), and has stated intent to complete the commissioned image right away, as an additional apology. At this point, with the image pending, I shall consider this Beware resolved. Update 3/17/17: At about 7:18 PM EST, TealStreaks streamed work on the pic. She has also informed me of some rather nasty notes she has received related to this. I would appreciate it if this stopped. For one thing, it is strictly against AB's TOS, and for another, the situation is already resolved, so there's no need to do such a thing. I will be updating with the link when the image is finished and posted, but please, cease the notes to TealStreaks. It's not, nor was it ever needed, OR wanted on my end. Update #2: 3/17/17: As of about 8:53 PM EST, I have a WIP of the pic. (Warning NSFW: http://sta.sh/01e4t9n3ghkl) Work is expected to continue on it tomorrow, barring unexpected circumstances cropping up. Final Update: 3/19/17: The pic has been finished. Everything is resolved. (Warning NSFW: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w52bx6qv74rxp30/heart_by_tealstreaks-db2ruef.png?dl=0) I will likely clear the screenshots out of my Dropbox within a few weeks, as there is no need for the screens any longer.
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