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Posts posted by Moonbeam

  1. Hi everyone! ?

    My friend and I both draw. One day we found out that there are some APPs that allow people to modify a 3D model and create poses the way they want it. We were discussing how nice this is because it's a great way to study lighting/anatomy without using copyrighted photography.

    But upon discussing, we started wondering: is it okay to use this APP to create commissioned work? I thought it would be okay because 1. poses cannot be copyrighted and 2. this is no different from me doing a pose and photographing myself, except it's a lot easier and you have much more freedom to choose the angle, etc etc.

    I know there are lots of gray areas when it comes to commissioned work, and naturally I don't agree with tracing/heavily eyeballing someone else's work, but since this is an APP and poses can't be copyrighted I'm presuming it'd be just fine?

    What are your thoughts? The APP I'm referring to is called MagicPoser, but there are many others!

    Thanks for your time ? 

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