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Record Comments posted by WhimsyDreams

  1. I was wondering when this was going to show up. ;m;  I was in the same boat for a while and was really thankful I filed a chargeback right before the window closed.  I had done the same thing; sending at least three emails to their email, shop and twitter and had given a generous window of time for a reply...ANYTHING to be reassured that the pins were just delayed and eventually going out....but received no response.

    I really love this art and these pins were the PERFECT gifts for Mother's Day, (I have a super rad mom! lol) then her birthday.....then Christmas.... It was really heart breaking and I still really would love to have them but it was really saddening to see the pins were never shipped out and people more upset with it all.

    Overall i'm really sorry you're in the same boat.  I'm hoping Squeedge can at the very least update those who ordered the pins.  I understand mental health being an issue but communication is key at this point.


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