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  1. The artist has reached out to me and given me a full refund. Please close this post.
  2. I commissioned Coyot a year ago on Feb 8th, 2020 to draw a full body painting for $80, I tipped +$5 for a total of $85. Initially, I spoke to them through their now defunct twitter account Coyot_Tea, but they have a new and active account called Cyo0t3. I paid them promptly on Feb 8, 2020. They acknowledged payment received and that's when the delays started happening. I did ask for a refund on Feb 13, 2021, a year later, but they said they couldn't because they already started the work. They stopped responding on March 24, 2021. There seems to be several Artists Beware on their Coyot_Tea username but they made a new account under Cyo0t3. I have also tried reaching them through that account but to no avail. They are still active on Coy0t3. I received zero WIPs and have already filed a case with PayPal. It's been a year so unsure if PayPal can do anything but fingers crossed.
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