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  1. Explanation: Prepaid for two full-body shaded commissions through Discord, paid through PayPal. And then a second comission of a full-body and 2 stickers, also prepaid. None of these were received. Additionally an art trade and friendship piece was agreed upon. I drew her art, and she never reciprocated. Dates: Jul 18th, 2023 (first commission) and July 26th, 2023 (second commission). Proof of Payments This transation from July 18th is for the first comission for two full-body shaded pieces. Original Terms of Service (They were updated months later after I agreed to this) The TOS stated art would typically be delivered within 3 months. At the time of posting this it has been 8 months. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correspondences July 18th - Original comission correspondence ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 24th - Checking in to see if money was received and comission started ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 26 - Second commission money was sent ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 26th, 2023 - Art trade and friendship piece agreed I delivered my art trade piece A friendship piece was promised ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sept 9th, 2023 - Friendship piece discussed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evidence of many others complaining about Creamii's queue and being confronted by Nev of Danger Den I express my concern for her queue size At this point, I am expressing my desire for a refund. In the end we ended up having the call. It was positive and I was supportive and understanding of personal issues they were going through at the time. They continued to promise to work on and deliver my commissions. Dec 11th, 2023 - She contacted me to work on my commission December 12th, 2024 - I am shown an early in progress sketch. This is the only art I ever saw related to the art I was owed. I am offered a gift which I never received Jan. 15th, 2024 - I check in to inquire about my commission At this point, she added several more people to her queue in her sever. It was quite large and backed up. (Some more evidence of this can be added if required) Unfortunately, this does not have a date but Creamii posted in her server that people are able to request a refund if desired. Several more slots are being opened on her Discord server for art despite art not being delivered Dec 06, 2023 - the Danger Den discord server sent out this concerning her queue. Jan 30th, 2024 - My partner messaged Creamii on PayPal as this was of growing concern. There was never a reply. Feb 5th, 2024 - My friend contacted Creamii on my behalf. LimaBean was still in Creamii's server at this point and had noticed that she changed her commission queue and that it no longer included me on it and so they reached out. A refund was again promised and never received. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 10th, 2024 I attempted to contact them again for a refund but they are not accepting messages from people who are not their friends and are not responding to contact outside of Discord. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 11th, 2024 An official refund was requested via Email with a reasonable week long deadline. At the end of the week there was no contact and no refund.
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