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Record Comments posted by LunaAsc

  1. Most of the time when an artist adds you and gives you that paragraph, its a scammer. It's a common tactic used on Twitter and Discord (referred to as GFX bots). After adding they'll make up a situation about an emergency situation and how they really need the money. They'll use other people's work/traced images/AI as their examples in order to fool people into ordering from them. They drag it out for months/forever in order to evade giving you anything, giving you AI/traced end results, doing a bait and switch with quality like here, or just running with your money with promised results. This is definitely a lesson learning situation and a heads up for others in the community that haven't been hit with this type of scam.

    I would still try to call your payment processor (paypal, bank, card ect) and try to get a refund. 3 months has passed, but some allow 6~1 year and it wouldn't hurt to try! (Unless you sent as F&F on Paypal, then its usually out of luck).

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