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Record Comments posted by James

  1. 5 minutes ago, camarofurry said:

    They're only fixing the tail, and the zipper.   There not fixing the seems at the rear of the head, or any of the other issues.





    Did you want the head addressed in any way?  Whether it be alterations or some kind of compensation? 

    Just making sure so we know the conditions for resolution.

  2. Hiya Lemonbrat!  Your comment will be approved shortly, but I'm publicly stating I am going to edit it to fix the link as it's not clickable.

    Edit:  Fixed link and font color, but the formatting is being finicky.

  3. 2 minutes ago, carbide said:


    first off, you filed this artist beware dating it 12/12/2018 however your first payment was in december of 2018? you state it was late 2018 that the problems occured, however its only recently that problems have developed


    The "when" form on our submission form instructs individuals to state when the transaction started, not when issues started.  The actual submission date is timestamped on the post.

  4. This item has been upgraded from a Caution to a Beware given the suit's construction flaws and the fact that it is unlikely to meet deadline.  Currently, there are three emails in queue to be added to the post, but we are waiting on Camaro to supply a few more concerning the DTD and the fur selection.

    Please note: Users do not have the ability to edit their own posts, so we're doing our best to keep it updated.

  5. 51 minutes ago, Kiarra said:

    Tmk Lemonbrat doesn't make changes unless it's requested by the customer.

    The client did request changes.  Lemonbrat tried to talk them out of it as clearly shown. 


    They have their customers choose the fur colors, they even send swatches. So that's on you. The fur looks like short pile fur, maybe sable or seal, it wrinkles. It's gonna happen with shorter furs. You're going to see seams unless you're using lux or another long pile fur. 

    Not all customers understand how furs behave.  The onus is on Lemonbrat to ensure that they know this will be an issue.

    This still doesn't excuse the crooked nose, issues with the upper eyes, the ugly tail attachment, the ears being different sizes, and the head still looking like a rodent.

    It's fine if you've had a good experience with this builder and want to share,  and it's fine to want to defend your friends/ people you know.  However, accusing the OP of being "a terrible customer" for being rightfully upset toes the line, and I'm going to ask that you tone it down if you want to continue participating here.

  6. Camaro is currently sending us more emails to update this post, but I did want to drop in and just leave my opinion.

    Like I know this fur is naturally really wrinkly and hard to hide seams in, but they should have been up front this would be an issue.  And that doesn't even account for the fact that the profile still looks rodent like.  Plus there's this strange overlap of the light fur on the upper eyebrows that hide the actual eyebrows.  I'm not sure what's going on there, but once you see it it's hard to unsee it.

  7. 1 minute ago, Bourbon said:

    This is pretty bad quality. Is that even faux fur? It looks like minky fabric which I....don't think I've seen a suit made with before. It looks so wrinkly, they didnt even attempt to make the zipper discrete, the tail looks slapped on, the whole thing is so low quality for the price tag paid, they should have the experience to know better. Have they sent photos of the finished head from the front? I'd be curious to see how that came out with them pushing a rodent base. 

    It's short tipped fur, so all the wrinkles will show in it.  IMO if OP didn't specifically ask for this fur, the builder should have avoided it or said something.  Goodness.

  8. 1 minute ago, Witchess said:

    Update: I got a second chargeback today for another $15. Fytch has yet to respond other than they will "pay me back when they can". 

    Hiya please toss me proof of this in PM, and I can tack it onto your post!

  9. 29 minutes ago, Meryiel said:

    Wow, what a bulll.... crap... So not only I have to return the money but also PAY EXTRA?!

    I think this is the last time I'm using PayPal, I swear.

    Yes, chargeback fees are standard, and some CCs will increase them the more chargebacks you accrue over time.  This isn't a Paypal thing; it's a credit card thing.  Leaving Paypal and moving to another processor won't prevent you from receiving a chargeback fee in the event it happens again.

  10. 1 hour ago, Meryiel said:

    I will try to call them tomorrow. But for now I have a bigger issue. Now it says that I owe them 43,27 dollars instead of 23,27 like before. I have no clue what is happening and why it's happening. I only made one transaction with that guy.


    This is a chargeback fee, and are standard with all chargebacks. At the very least with all of your evidence PayPal can opt to refund that. They are charged that by the bank and pass it onto you. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, Meryiel said:


    PayPal decided that I do not deserve to get my money back even though I sent them proofs of me sending my PayPal to Fytch and screenshots of Fytch admitting that the payment for commission has been sent.

    Thanks PayPal.

    Since this is a bank chargeback PayPal has little say in what happens. If you used their automated system, then it's imperative that you drop everything you're doing and call them. Using their automated system is almost a guaranteed loss, and it's always best to call them.

    In some instances PayPal has been known to cover the loss themselves. Unfortunately this usually can only happen if you call while the claim is in process, but PayPal has been known to help after the fact.

    It's also important to remember that we don't know if this is a case of buyer's remorse or if Fytch was using a CC they had no authorization to use. If the CC was stolen, then there's an unlikely chance the bank will back down as the victim of theft should be made whole.

  12. The artist is mistaken.  You don't file a claim with USPS.  Only the artist can as they're the one who shipped the item.  The onus is also on them that the item you ordered is delivered to you, and it's up to them to recoup the loss from USPS.

    In other words: at minimum they owe you a replacement, and they have to recover the loss from USPS.

  13. 6 hours ago, Meryiel said:

    I got this message today and I pray for it to be true. If I get my money back and all gets explained, I will delete this beware as soon as possible.edit_scam.png.dcb1e3a4e5df49b971ece1f9eb2d20a4.png

    We don't allow post deletion as that undermines the purpose of the site. (Member accounts can't enter into edit/delete mode.)  We will mark it as resolved when you tell us it is.

  14. Just now, Meryiel said:

    I got a Note from other person today saying that they are in the same situation as I am because of Fytch as well...

    Send them our way so they can make a report, too!

  15. 4 minutes ago, Rendrassa said:

    Made public. Available knowledge to members so that we can avoid receiving payment from a known scammer.

    Oh!  He claims the account is deleted, but Paypal allows numerous emails to be associated with an account anyhow.  We're not in the business of releasing personal information, but if we did he could easily just change out the primary email address.

    Edit:  I also don't think Paypal would do that either as that could be a big legal no no.

  16. 5 hours ago, Rendrassa said:

    I know this is being done through the bank, but the scammer is using one PayPal account to originally commission the artists. That's why I wondered if the PayPal account would ever be released so artists can avoid the whole start of this mess.

    Sorry, what do you mean by "released"?

  17. Just now, RTKobold said:

    Though with all these charge-backs from the bank wouldn't said bank be suspicious about this?

    From the conversations here it sounds like it was a block of transactions reported.  This isn't abnormal if a CC was reported as stolen. We still don't know if it was his CC or not.

  18. 3 hours ago, Rendrassa said:

    Is there no way to file a complaint with PayPal over this person doing so many chargebacks? It should be illegal to use their site this way and reprimands to users who abuse their system.

    It's not through PayPal. It's through their bank, which Paypal has no control over. The most they can do is remove the $20 chargeback fee.

    A good way to distinguish if it's a chargeback vs a dispute is that a fee is involved with a chargeback.  A dispute is handled through PayPal and doesn't involve fees.

  19. I don't understand why he keeps saying "I need to make an account".  There is no "account" with Zelle.  The major US banks all came together and decided to make Zelle their bank-to-bank transfer system.  It's right here in my WF account, no Zelle account necessary.

    This whole fiasco is incredibly fishy.


  20. 10 minutes ago, UAZ469 said:

    Seriously, won't PayPal get curious of someone who seems to do an unusually high number of chargebacks?

    Yes and no.

    If there is a repeated history of disputes and claims through an account, then they may consider abuse of their dispute and claim system.

    However in this instance it's a chargeback, which is handled by the credit card company not PayPal.  Artists are reporting the reason is unauthorized use. Issuing chargebacks on a large amount of transactions in a time frame is "normal" for unauthorized use.

    With that said we don't know if he truly took someone else's CC or if he's trying to get out of paying his CC bill.

  21. Someone pointed me to this on Twitter, and what's more likely is that they used a CC they didn't have authorization to use or spent a lot of money and have buyer's remorse.  Either way various banks have ways of filing chargebacks, and all of them require you to either fill out a form or contact someone.  So it's definitely not out of nowhere, a "glitch", or an "accident".

  22. 1 hour ago, Bourbon said:


    On top of that, his character is stolen from AnubisLivess (I made comparisons and can provide some if admins want, every detail is the same except one arm tattoo being removed and horns being added). 

    Please don't! We only accept character theft posts if it is the exact same character, and aren't here to judge how similar characters are to each other.

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