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Record Comments posted by James

  1. 4 hours ago, LadyKurai said:

    Quality looks about the same to me, it's always hard to compare existing animals in a semi realistic style to made up creatures. I'm pretty sure I would have messed this up aswell, many of the areas the artist got wrong don't look entirely clear to me. The horns kinda read as brown dots (maybe markings) in the hair so unless the artist went to hunt for more reference pictures in your gallery that could be an issue.

    I would suggest to be specific with the areas artists typically get wrong and/or mention the species somewhere on the page to avoid future headache.


    I said something similar in the mod chat. The ears I know I would have done like a lop bunny. It really needs a note on the ref, because it's a very common way to do ears.

  2. 3 hours ago, Zuazhes said:

    OP knew of Toast as a person and financial state.

    It does not make the artist look better, but this doesn't make Eelowyn look good either.

    Eelowyn can contact me if they want their 6 to 8$ back so badly

    Artists are businesses not charity cases. If you can't get an item that at most should be 2 hours of work done in 7 months, then this may not be the field for you. 

    When a client asks for a refund and no work has been shown to them, nor the trello is updated, then all work must stop and a refund should be issued. It's the artist's job to maintain the administrative side of their business or outsource it. Punishing the client for not keeping a trello up to date is unprofessional. This stops being a hobby when you take someone's money whether it be $5, $10, or $1000. 

    Edit: I also want to point out the artist's prices are drastically low along with the discount for a second one. When you're suffering from a queue a mile long and are also trying to survive off of your art it's imperative to raise your prices the highest your market can bear. Not only for the sake of your hands, but also for the sake of your clients. If you can make the same amount taking half of what you normally do, then there's time to chip away at the backlog.

    I get it. Not everyone has the luxury to not spend what they haven't earned. I've been doing commission work for over ten years, and have been there before. However excusing this artist's current behavior doesn't do them any good, and it belittles those of us who strive to offer a good commission experience to our customers.

  3. 1 minute ago, Zuazhes said:

    I commissioned Toast for over 300$ and never ever had any problems with her.

    You know Toast for quite a time and still decided to commission her.

    I think what you lack is mature communication skills.

    You having a good experience doesn't negate OP's bad experience.

    While we will be happy to let individuals come and speak about their positive experiences in this thread, bear in mind that when you tell someone they lack "mature communication skills" when the artist made a show of saying "GUESS I NEED TO WASH MY CLOTHES IN THE SINK" it doesn't make the artist look any better.

  4. Yikes, the attempt to guilt trip you for asking for your money back is absolutely a beware well warranted.  "Excuse me I'm going to go wash my clothes in the sink".  How... is that your problem?  If the sketch was done, then why not just show it to you??

  5. 20 hours ago, JSuits said:

    Drowsy and I worked out a re-payment plan in Feb of 2019-- and as of August 2nd 2019, they have been refunded the full amount with no missed payments along the way. We are currently working on refunding others who have requested as well in as timely a manner as possible~!



    @DrowsySeal can you please confirm this is yours?

  6. 2 hours ago, VosurAekira said:

    Since he just proved who he was with that setup, would it be an idea to include his twitter-tag as well?

    OPs can't change tags.  🙂  For future reference if folks need a tag update, the best route is to contact someone from staff.

  7. Hiya OP, after a lot and lot of digging and going down rabbit holes, it appears this user is a serial tracer.  They trace commissions, get caught, and then bail to the next username.  Unfortunately, even if you got your commission, it wouldn't have been likely to be legitimate.

    I went ahead and attached tags to all the usernames I found linked to them.

  8. Hey @Tythius your comment was hidden as positive IDs for "same accounts" must either be:

    • Same art posted to both accounts
    • Same email address
    • Same real life name

    If you have any of those please PM any mod, and we can get that tag for the old name added.

  9. Howdy OP!  We went and removed mentions of the second account.  While we found lots of links to the other account, if it is true this Seoir person was impersonating them then it wouldn't be fair to link to their account.  We'd rather err on the side of caution.

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