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Record Comments posted by James

  1. I will start by saying that the reason this was accepted is because chargebacking was absolutely out of line, and Kuro has a history of using chargebacks.  This transaction didn't do well from both parties, but ultimately he got what he requested from the art.

    With that said to save you problems in the future I would suggest either putting what genital configuration you want in the auction, or speaking up the second someone supplies you with a character that doesn't fit your parameters.  "Female" =/= boobs and vagina to everyone, as Kuro obviously feels his character is female.  And there's nothing wrong with that.  Given that he received no comment about the penis in the ref, nor does your auction say you will change genitals that don't match what you were willing to do for this auction I can see how he would be put off and upset.  If you had asked "Oh sorry, when I said female I meant boobs and vagina only, do you want me to draw without the penis?" then this transaction would have fared better.

    As for using the YCH twice, I really suggest putting in the auction description that this is a possibility.  This is a misstep on your part.  Majority of clients would be upset if they paid for a YCH under the assumption that it was unique, and then it was recreated.

    Edit:  For everyone- AB is a trans and gender identity friendly site.  Any ugliness will be an auto yeet.

  2. At first I was willing to give the artist the benefit of the doubt that maybe they forgot you, and blocked you over something unrelated.  Now there's at least one other client claiming they were also blocked.  It's bonkers!

  3. My personal feelings aside on nitpicky clients, from a technical standpoint this piece is far more complete than the previous one and the examples you have listed.  I have no idea how they can say it's "less polished".  It's really a shame they didn't like the end result, because the end result is beautiful.

    While you two are counting from the date the auction ended, I'd say the day this transaction truly started is when the balance was paid off.  Sixish months for a full illustration and a song piece is good time.

  4. Hello!

    This was shifted to the caution section as the artist themselves are communicating with you despite it going to the 4 month minimum for acceptance.  While it probably wasn't the best idea on their part to accept a commission so close to finals, they are initiating contact and talking to you.  Hopefully they're able to get it completed.

  5. So we actually reached out to Boozy Badger since he's written on adoptables and designs in the past, but he hasn't returned our message.  (Pretty easy for things to get lost when he probably receives a ton of messages.)  As far as we're aware "closed species" don't have rights, but "designs" do.  And given that you're the creator of the design, and never signed anything with this artist, you're the owner and can rescind usage to others at any time you want.  

    Ssnaree is vastly overstepping his bounds, and I've personally got a lot of opinions on "original species" owners who go on rampages.

  6. Added a second mod note.  Scourge have you gotten any kind of resolution on this?  Is the artist doing anything concerning this?

    Additionally, if you receive any harassment via PM please use the report feature and we will ban them.

  7. Changed Where to @EylonFerrousa on Telegram
    @KumaHontosha on Telegram

  8. 2 minutes ago, sbneko said:

    Is it possible they sent you the wrong files? Because on their trello it shows a full body image and looks more cleaned up: https://trello.com/c/4YKmeyqj/89-vyruskt-lingerie-demon

    Or maybe that was done to fix this problem you posted and it's just not been updated here yet. 

    Could be the OP submitted here then spoke to the artist.

    They submitted here Jan 12 at 2 pm my time, but the upload from the artist was done at 11 pm. OP hasn't logged in to the site since early Monday.

  9. Oh gosh.  Almost all of their examples are full body with feet, so I definitely feel the image isn't like what was shown.

    I also spy them adding on the Paypal fee, yikes.

    Edit:  We downgraded this as you ultimately didn't bring up the issues with the artist, but the lack of full body is definitely a deviation from what they tend to produce.

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