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Record Comments posted by James

  1. I've been doing commissions since 2008, and have never had a "price sheet".  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I'm just so confused about how this client has treated you.  They've blatantly misunderstood you, admitted to being impaired (high), but followed through with the chargeback anyway?

  2. 4 hours ago, cknsausage said:

    Er.. I think a lot of the fault is yours. You either paid for a YCH-style slot or provided that ref of the anthro dog as a pose ref, but either way didn't clarify that you would like your character to be feral? 

    For clarification purposes this was an Iron Artist slot. We ended up finding the ad for it on our own.


    Also link 1 is what the client provided as references. So this was a situation where the character was made anthro by the artist on their own.

  3. I'm sure another mod will leave a better, more detailed comment.  I'll just say that if you're dealing with anyone who is ESL, the worst thing you can do is use slang and long messages.  It's clear in some of the messages the artist was struggling to comprehend what you wanted, and they even requested time to have someone help them. 

    Also, your prompt doesn't match up from what the similar image you handed over as a reference was.  Was the original image closer to this?  The fixed sketches were very nice, and fairly close to the ref image.  (The third one is my favorite.)

  4. 3 minutes ago, sstphs said:

    Hey, OP! I'm sorry you've had such a horrible experience with Luna, unfortunately myself, two of my friends and my partner have all had horrible experiences - and I feel utterly responsible because I recommended her after my first commission was completed. To go by my first experience, LunaOfWater was one of the first ever artists I had commissioned and so I didn't really have an understanding or expectations of time & communication in regards to this sort of transaction. To summarise my experience, I wrote a review on her artist design page and both myself and my partner were promptly blocked from her Twitter, for no other reason than leaving a negative review:


    I don't believe I was condescending or rude in any way during my review, I was just completely honest given my experience with her as a whole. At this point, we weren't exaggerating with her trello being 100-ish orders deep. And funnily enough we found my partner's commission on her trello two days before she actually DM'd it to him. To save completely bombarding your thread with images, I've taken DM's of our last experience with her and put them into imgur links:






    I will try to encourage my friends to post their screenshots and such, as I don't want to do it on their behalf. But my friend was completely ignored my Luna altogether when attempting to commission her, she /also/ wrote on her artist design review page and Luna responded. To which she DM'd her directly and also emailed her and got absolutely 0 response, yet again. My other friend is waiting on about a $200 refund for emotes and panels that she's never received and never had any WIPs despite being promised them twice. I have a friend that commissioned her afterwards for artwork of himself and a biggish v-streamer and received it within a week and a half. It's absolutely boggling and makes no sense.

    As of right now, she's completely MIA. Her trello has been inactive since Feb and her Twitter since March. I don't wish to make any speculations, but I feel as if she's taken on too many commissions to handle. I know she had a discord server at one point, but I don't know if it's been shut down or she simply kicked my friend for requesting her refund.

    Rather than everyone commenting on this post, they are all encouraged to make their own post if they still don't have the art. Tag usage is counted on our tags page, and the more records are tagged the higher their number will be.

  5. How old is this individual? I'm concerned that you almost got into contract with a minor. An adult should understand the difference between reposting work that doesnt belong to them and archiving their continued harassment.

  6. It might be time to get in contact with Instagram's abuse team. It's pretty obnoxious as a whole that they don't have the ability to report block evasion outright, but you can file a report with them. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Bourbon said:

    I have to say this beware is extremely strange to me. Due to the pseudo-legalize speak you're using to explain the situation it's hard to really understand what the commission was about. 

    Just as an aside, the OP's main language isn't English.  It was an artistic liberty commission where the studio would be given a loose prompt to follow, and the resulting character they made would be made into the suit.  In this case, they were handed a mood board and the rest was up to the studio to design.  Technically, the character was made by them with limited input from the client.

    Kind of like if you or me were handed a colourlovers swatch guide and "dog" as a prompt and the rest was left up to us to design.

    Hopefully that helps clear up any confusion about what the commission was!

  8. Also, yes, we've seen the journal on Aisha's page.  She's welcome to call us whatever names she wants in her own personal space.  There's no need to send us any more messages about it.  🙂 

    The lying, however, is not appreciated.  We have not censored you, and have allowed you to come and speak your side as well as accuse your client of withholding information to make himself look better.  Even though you've conveniently done the same in your own space.  The exact same conversation that you submitted to us is submitted here.  When you contacted me privately about the contents of this post, I offered to you to comment anything that you'd like to contest publicly.  So long as you followed our rules.  You can be as petulant as you want in your personal space, but I will not tolerate lying.

    If you want to claim we've censored you, that's your business.  But I assure you the same response you got now would have been the same regardless if your post made it through or not.  The server admins of the Discord that originally kicked you out even agreed, and we have no idea who these people are.  I hope you reflect on how you've behaved in the future, and take something out of this.


  9. Alright that's enough.  There's no reason to keep the image online after this has been resolved.  We'll be censoring it on our side.  The client only exchanged money with you after agreeing that it wouldn't be public.

  10. 7 minutes ago, AishaSlayde said:

    I have further asked if they wanted the changes made pending some things, they said no. They said they wanted the refund they are trying to process through paypal.

    I asked if I issued the refund, what would happen. They said they would mark it as recolved. And for me to take down the beware on my site.

    I countered with my offer of the refund, removing the beware on my site, and they have this one removed. I have yet to hear back.

    They have no ability to delete posts. Our site is not a bargaining chip. We normally escalate cautions to bewares for holding resolution hostage in exchange for deletion. We moved from livejournal to a site that allows us to disable user deletion or edits to prevent this.

    I'm going to operate under the benefit of the doubt that you missed the various notices that we don't delete, and not escalate this to a beware. The big, bold red notices.

  11. 1 minute ago, Luna996 said:

    You uploaded their email (private or not) as an act of malicious intent by using defamation/slander. That is a form of doxing.

    [snip image for size]

    Whoa putting my mod hat on: I'm gonna stop this conversation from both of you.  @Luna996 @AishaSlayde

    Aisha sharing their side isn't libel.  They're welcome to talk about it, and they provided evidence. Remember, libel is untrue things.

    Ethically releasing something not public can be considered harassment.  It's why we make people censor a ton of stuff.

  12. Okay might as well rip off the band-aid because it's going to come up regardless.  This artist's gallery is full of items that look referenced from porn or some kind of 3D render like Second Life.  (There's no proof of tracing, so it's not fair to claim that without it.)  There's nothing wrong with using references for poses, and we're not here to critique anyone's work.  I'll leave it at that.  The issue is that in order to produce their work it leaves very little wiggle room to handle characters that deviate from whatever sources they're using.  Your character is not thin.  She's got curves, and what was delivered... just plain doesn't.  That's not a stylistic difference.  That's an error.

    Your character doesn't match anything in their gallery, but clients don't often know how to tell whether or not what they're asking for is what the artist can produce in the first place.  Rather than drastically changing the character to fit within their limits, the Artist should have declined your commission from the get go.  You were looking for something that sounds stylistic, while they don't produce that kind of content.

    Should you have been nicer?  Yea.  You get more flies with honey.  But being in a line of work that has a lot of customer service aspects means handling angry clients.  Doubling down on getting a character wrong is exactly how you escalate a situation rather than deescalate. 

  13. That last message is so ridiculous.  It even repeats itself word for word like he's copy and pasted the response.  I can't believe this person can be ok with behaving this way with multiple people.

  14. I just-  my jaw hit the floor at how quickly they flew off the handle.  And we have another post that's about to be approved on this artist.  They received the exact same treatment.  It's absolutely wild.

    Professionally, I'm annoyed they'd act like it's your fault that they agreed to do an OC design commission for a low amount and then get mad.  Designs take a long time to hash out, and it's not your fault he drastically undercharged.

  15. Oh no, I'm really sorry that you had to learn this lesson the hard way.  😞  There's nothing wrong with pay upon completion commissions, but never hand them a full res one.  Very small and heavily watermarked only.

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