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Record Comments posted by LeoneLaTwerk

  1. 8 minutes ago, Celestina said:

    Heya!  It doesn't appear that the OP of this post is following it.  If you'd like to make sure they see this, then it would be best to PM them as well.  🙂

    I hope it gets to them because i never meant to not submit it. I just thought I already did and I went forward..Without their contact info due to random people clouding my dm's and amino it slipped my mind. It was a bad time and my first beware ever. I always wanted to be transparent with people 

  2. Hello. Thank you for writing this...

    I am so sorry. It has been a fairly long time since I have last spoken, but I did not expect you to after reading . During the time indicated here I had been going through a transitionary period with moving alone out of state with other troubles that made it hard to focus or remember what I did or did not do. I had assumed that I had already given your correction since you were already removed from my queue when I started being organized so I proceeded with the others down the list because you were checked somehow.

    I try hard to make sure things are right and I always(at the time) thought I can get out of a situation at a certain time only to be let down because I under estimated my situation as a whole or overestimated my ability to keep up. I was in such a hurry to move away from my failing situation(and I wish I could say more) and I had to make all that money by myself. My inability to organize is what caused most of this. I would have seen  that it was not submitted and since I had not heard I assumed that our business was concluded around a month or 2 after your update post here. That is why I moved on to the next queue. I was not meaning to leave you hanging that way. Initially It was supposed to be a stormy cast so the tones had a reddish hue from the sky. All I had to do was take off the overlay on it, so I did and set it off to the side hoping to submit it same day. I did not purposely forget nor did I want to "not" submit the work. It does not make sense for me to not get the work done when my rep depended on it because I believe the more examples I have , more proof I could do set species for example. I have worked with you before and I feel like utter crap for not making due with what was promised.  I still have the file in my portfolio but even so I want to fix this.

    I did not intend to have people break their trust with me and usually I did fine prior(and after 2019) I now have a built system dedicated to actual work with Display Cal as my screen calibrator. Currently I am doing Telehealth screenings due to covid to manage my mental status to improve and regain my work ethic in the past few months due to being unable to work during surgery next month. I just slow down in the mean time because I am in a way better position.

    I want to set things right just as I had done with the other  queue slots that suffered from my irl issues and do another piece for you with this system with you present as I do it.  I was not made aware of this until just now. I took too many and went too fast jumping over some(although some changed their names on amino so I could no longer find them or I was scammed into doing the work without pay, making me have to take more to make up after having to quit my job at the time to leave. It was too much to handle at the time but given the urgency of the situation I did not think to confirm or slow down to see people not receiving their work. 

    I apologise deeply. I never meant for any of this to happen. If I am able to make things work I really want to. You were wonderful to work with and I screwed up way more than I would like.  I just do not want this to stain everything because I want to get better. It has but in this case I never knew this is what has been festering. Again, I am sorry. Please forgive me. 

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