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  1. I am going to start at the beginning. I had a lengthy discussions with Esferao about pricing for a animation commission, which includes storyboard, primary animation and finishing touches, of which we agreed upon dividing up into 3 rounds of payment given my financial state for a full commission of the entire animation project. Commission arrangements For the storyboard, we settled on further dividing that up into 7 monthly payments for additional ease of budget management and if necessary, postponed the work if i couldn’t pay one month. I personally made sure to pay the agreed monthly amount on time when possible and Esferao finished each months work in a timely manner, but we agreed on postponing payment during November and December because of Christmas. Proof of payment for storyboard artwork: June 2020: July 2020: August 2020: September 2020: October 2020 (This is when the issue with communication blackout and no storyboard frame artwork delivered within the usual timeframe began) : January 2021: February 2021: The delays of receiving the artwork i paid for began in October 2020 when i paid for that month. From then on, Esferao suddenly didn’t finish the work in the same rate as before and left all of their means of contact inactive, despite my multiple attempts at getting a update. Attempts at getting updates, with minor responses leading nowhere: However, since then, Esferao has once again went without providing any updates and appears to have cut off all of their online activity on all sites they are present. Even despite my attempts to get a response once more from has proven difficult given the current status of their online activity and i am genuinely getting tired of them disappearing like that. At this point, i had settled upon giving Esferao a deadline until May 31st 2022 to finish the work if they come back online and if not, try to get a full refund for the last payment i provided, regardless of how far they are with finishing the final piece of storyboard work and possibly cut ties with them working on the animation project with me. That is unless they return and finish the work i paid for. However, due to Esferao temporarily returning to their FA account between April 20th and April 24th 2022, only to seemingly disable their account on their own accord, followed by their Twitter account being set to private some time between April 27th and 28th. As such, i decided to revise and tighten the deadline offered to April 30th, as it was clear Esferao deliberately were ignoring my attempts at getting any update. Proof of Esferao´s Furaffinity disabled and Twitter set to private: And as of May 1st, since Esferao did not respond in the revised timeframe i offered, i have informed them of the complete termination of the commission, as well as made it clear i would take this issue to Artist Beware and demanded a refund for the 4 months ( which i discovered by reviewing Paypal transactions and dates of received storyboard artwork, concluding i am owed 4 months of what i paid for instead of 3 months ), i never got the remaining fully paid storyboard artwork for, regardless of whatever progress there has been made on the remaining storyboard. In the end, i feel like its not very likely i will be able to get the money refunded for the part of the storyboard commission that were left unfinished, so i can pretty much only warn others about Esferaosamael.
  2. Thank you. Thats very helpful.
  3. As i am very new to this site, i want to know some details about making a artist beware post. Is it mandatory or optional, but useful to provide screenshots from various chats i have had with a artist in the post, such as arranging a commission with the artist, proof of payments, delivery of paid artwork, updates from artists and anything that can support my case? I understand if screenshots are provided by the one making the post, dates is a must to include in them and concealment of private info necessary. Just want to be sure about these details.
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