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  1. Around February I commissioned someone to do a writing piece for me as my own work load meant I was too busy. I paid them $40 and due to a error on my part sent it via friends and family. YES, I know that was stupid but I had clicked it by accident due to multitasking and had pressed pay before I realised. However since I had commissioned them in the past I kind of shrugged it off. A month goes by and nothing so I message. Apparently they had forgotten and to give them a week. I'm pretty sure everyone knows the gist of where this goes. They are still taking commissions and I have messaged twice. The first response was 'I'm p**s poor at time management and...I'm actually not fond of writing the period you want.' I say fine and ask for a refund, only to be told they are low on income despite the fact they are looking to commission someone for artwork. The last contact I had was offering to refund half my money when they had it. That doesn't really seem reasonable to me since no work was done. I am currently going through my bank to get it back but I wondered if it was worth posting a beware?
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