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  1. Thank you Celestina!!! That really helps!
  2. Hi Celestina, Thanks so much for the info!! So let's say you charge$100 for a custom design, in total you would get either $100 + % of royalties OR it would be a flat $500. I can see that making sense! So do you know what market prices are roughly for commissions? I think I read between $150-$300/shirt or paid hourly. I was thinking of marketing my services to big social media influencers who have a ton of loyal followers. In that case I think it would make more sense to do a fee upfront + royalties (what % is customary?). Thanks!!
  3. Hi, I am looking to sell my services as a t-shirt designer. How do you determine price in this industry? What would be fair market for a flat fee? What about % for royalties? I would like to have a rough ball park before going out there and talking with companies. Thanks for all of your help!
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