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  1. @Eyenoomits already happend and today, she was removed...there is a stone falling from my heart.. p.p
  2. First of all, im sorry for my bad english. I commissioned Rachelfluffy on the 17.07.2015 for some artwork on their Furaffinity, I sent them 20$ for 3 Sketches. I received the first artwork on and waited like a half a year. I still haven't received my artwork or money for unfinished artwork except for the one that they finished, they blocked me from their accounts so I cannot message them anymore. I was very patient and sometimes worried, becouse her journal was sometimes a very depressiv mess. She cleared a lot of journals, coments or any other hints, for her unstable condition. She uploudet the same photo 5 times a week. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/24225506/ . i find out last week, thats spaming and also unallowed on furaffinity. I heard from 2 other persons, that she has stolen from. But i didnt find theyre note again..sorry...no screenshot or evidence, i lost the notes as i cleared my notes. I tryed to talk to her "close friends". One of them didnt know, why she was on her page as a close friend. The other one, sendet me after a long time a message, that i "harasment" her. I tryed years later, to contact her on facebook. But there was the same thing like on furaffinity and skype. just blocked. She didnt wanted to talk. I noted her about the sketch, that the one is for a friends birthday. She wanted to deliver it. but she didnt.. I know, too, thats my english was in the past a really painfully thing to understand. And i had some difficultys to clear me out. But the fact is, I guess, this was my first year in the furry fandome. And i really wanted to help little artists with my comission. But i lost all my trust after this experience. Its about 10$, i know. But this hurted so much, to be cheated. That action really broked my little tiny hearth in the past. I seen month ago, she did it on "trusted artist". She dont deserve it. So, thats why i leak this screenshots. Mod Note: The edited messages are the OP saying the artist's irl name.
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