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  1. Update on my end: Another Claim was filed on 03/15/2020 for an additional $200 on my side of the commission. This has put my Paypal at a negative balance of -$495.58 (which is $15 over the amount I told them I would refund them). As of this point, Paypal has not gotten back to me regarding wither claim. Trixx's original invoice for my refund of $480 still remains open.
  2. Hi there, I am the musician in question here. I go by Caero/Eluti. I'd like to add my side of the conflict. I'd like to first start off by posting the entirety the DM's between me and Trixx over Discord. (I'll help put this into context later on) Please note that the date when I said I would follow through with a refund was February 10th, 2020. On December 21, 2020, I presented Trixx with my first draft. Trixx immediately stated her opinion of it and I proceeded to ask for musical references so I could better craft a theme to her liking. Following the references, we've discussed that there may have been a misunderstanding as to the genre of music I compose. I compose orchestrally, which is also apparent in the references I linked in the auction. The references she gave me were more keen to J-Pop and J-EDM, which are outside of my musical ability. As shown in the images below, I was able to help Trixx understand what she was being promised and we managed to work it out. you can listen to the draft here https://www.dropbox.com/s/eb6l7mc78cih6hz/Trixx%20Draft%201.mp3?dl=0 From here, I grew weary of my own ability to come up with a theme that would fit trixx's interests for her character. This and several other irl factors contributed to me going silent for another shorter period of time up until Bee's talked to me. From there, I decided to completely scrap the original theme I had in mind for a new one with an entirely new style. I then messaged Trixx here and then in the group chat You can listen to my second draft here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u62364iuycwrck6/Trixx%20Draft%202.mp3?dl=0 Seeing Trixx a lot happier with this draft brought my motivation up and I was ready to complete my end of the bargain, though unfortunately on that same day is when Trixx and Bee's had their conflict. I woke up in the middle of this and remained silent in the group chat as I didn't want to engage and possibly further any active conflict during this time. Following this, Bee's had decided to cease anymore work and generously refund her $200. I remained silent over the next few days so I could think on the situation and see how I felt about continuing forward. I then decided that it would be in my best interest to cease anymore work on my end as well. in any normal situation, in consideration with the amount of work I had already done (including redrafting an entirely different theme), I would have refunded only a partial amount back, but with how long I waited on my end and my own admittance to that fact, I didn't felt the right thing to do would be to refund the whole amount without argument. Once again, notice the date that Trixx acknowledged my decision. From here, Trixx and I ceased contact. She sent me an invoice as I requested. I hoped that this would be the end of this situation and that I'd pay her back over time, but it seems that alongside sending me this invoice, she simultaneously filed a claim against me with her personal bank. I wasn't made aware of this claim until March 4, 2020 when the claim was posted and a notification was sent to me. I then went to my Paypal and saw this. The date this claim was filed was on the exact same day Trixx acknowledged my decision. It was the same day she sent me that invoice. I then went on to send my response This is currently where I am at with this situation. I've called Paypal and they told me that this claim was made directly through Trixx's bank account. This is a matter of Paypal and me Vs. Trixx's bank and her. Nothing can move forward until her bank has taken a look at the response I gave. I'm hoping all of this can be resolved soon. Thank you.
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