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  • Beware: Orange-PEEL

    • Who: Orange-PEEL
      Where: https://twitter.com/Orange_PEELart
      When: 06/10/2020
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content

    I do not condone any harassment against Orange-PEEL, nor do I wish any harm or ill will against them. Please do not contact them.

    Please know that I am not the only client of theirs that has experienced these issues.

    We both agreed on a total of $540 which was a maximum of 12 fully colored frames, and they included a free climax loop and free background. We also agreed to split up the payments into four different transactions. First payment was sent Jun 16 2020 and last payment was sent Jul 7 2020. I had paid up to $405. The last message I received was Aug 6 2020 until Feb 28 2021. Before that time, any attempt to contact them through Twitter, Email, and their Patreon went unanswered, despite Patreon being their only active platform making monthly updates. I became their Patreon for $1 a month just so maybe I could find out what was going on and as another means to contact them. I didn't learn much other than it sounded like they were busy with other animations, and occasional issues would come up. I only learned from someone else that they have been dealing with lots of personal issues that I will keep private.

    Orange-PEEL responded to my DMs on Patreon Feb 28 2021 giving an update on the commission and saying they were working on a more detailed message that I would receive soon. That was the last time I heard from them.

    I initially contacted Orange-PEEL Jun 10th 2020 on their Twitter. I was a bit skeptical because their account had been inactive for a year at this point, but to my surprise they replied within the hour.




    After sharing some references they went on to give me the final prices.






    I sent some more references and details while getting ready for the first payment.





    They followed up shortly after with an update on the commission.




    They gave another update and I paid the second half.









    After this a few messages about the details were exchanged before they stopped responding. I then decided to try and reach them outside of Twitter, and this is when I became a Patreon of theirs.



    I wasn't able to receive any refund from PayPal due to how much time had passed and sending the money as a close friend/family. I know, bad mistake. Progress was being made so quickly that I didn't think I had any reason to worry.

    They didn't respond to any comments or DMs on Patreon, even when I sent them minutes after an update. The only thing I would receive on their Patreon were rewards sent out through DMs, which felt like a slap in the face.




    Eventually they responded on Feb 28.




    I was happy to hear from them and was looking forward to finishing this up. Never received a more detailed message, just more reward DMs. At this point I want a full refund but I don't think that'll happen. I understand some of the things that Orange-PEEL is going through, but their lack of communication has been very upsetting especially with the amount of money involved. What irks me is how regular they are on Patreon but neglects me as their client (and others) who's spent top dollar. I believe they are overloaded with work and anxiety,  but I don't think that's an excuse to treat a client this way. I hope they are doing well now, and wish for the best out of this situation.

    Thanks for your time!

    Edited by Celestina
    shortened title and url, added final cap

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    +1. Been in a similar boat with them since 2019. Did about 1/3rd of the work and then just ghosted me. Haven't gotten back a message since summer of 2020, despite making multiple attempts to reach out.

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