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  • Beware: (Inksty/CozyCollie)

    • Who: Inksty, Rudy, RudyDog, CozieCollie, MixedDisasterDesigns
      Where: https://twitter.com/inksty
      When: 10/28/2021
      What: Commission

    During October of 2021, I had noticed that this artist was selling a couple of YCHs that I enjoyed the style for. I've commissioned them once in the past and had some issues with them in delivery time. While I wasn't going to commission them again, I decided to give them a second chance. This time however, it's gone more than 4 months with very little communication and other issues that I felt I had to make a post here as I tried to give them a lot of chances.

    On 10/28/21 I had seen that this artist had reduced the price of a YCH they were running from $175 "...TO $75 IF PURCHASED TODAY" on their twitter. So, I commented to claim it (Seen below (#1)). I followed their instructions and started a DM with them on twitter so that we may start the transaction process. (Seen below (#2)).

    After I sent the message, they had supplied their PayPal link which I was then informed they were wanting the payment through CashApp or Venmo, which I thought was very strange. I told them that I couldn't do either as I didn't have the accounts for them (Seen below (#3)).

    After a while, they told me it was okay to send, so I did. I sent them confirmation of the $75 they required sent over (seen below (#4)) and had then received nothing back until November when I sent them another message to check in with them. They told me that they had a family member pass, which I understood they needed some time to recover from (seen below (#5)). I figured that I'd give them some time to handle it before messaging again. That was on 11/5/21.

    I later (12/19/21) sent them a message as I had still heard nothing back and wanted to check in with them. However, I received no response and was ghosted for a while (seen below (6)). I don't usually worry about artists that take time as I feel they deserve the time to work. However, on 1/4/22 I had seen the exact YCH I had purchased being offered AGAIN on their page. Except this time the words "YCH" had been covered by a dog sticker (Seen below (7 & 8)).

    I immediately sent them a message to check in as I didn't want to come off accusatory, even though I felt I had been ripped off at this point. They sent me a message saying that "...I am so sorry. Would you like me to just make you a brand new hypno icon? Please let me know what I can do, I'm so sorry for the silence" (Seen below (6)). 

    To give some context, the first ych I bought from them (the one I alluded to at the start) was that of a Hypno icon. I had gotten that one a little earlier in the year and really didn't want another one. I wanted what I paid for or my money back at this rate. I told them that I don't want a duplicate com and asked if the thing I paid for initially was no longer available (Seen below (9)). The artist rebuttled saying the icon was in their old style and never answered my question.

    It seemed that what I had bought was no longer available to me and so I asked if they could make something similar for me as I wanted what I bought initially. They told me that they could create something for me like what was sold out from under me (Seen below (10)). They told me that they could make me something worth the price and I verified the idea I wanted. Eventually they said it was all good and that they'd get back to me. I had made one minor change to my character and had sent it over as I figured I may as well update what I have one my character at this point (Seen below (11)).

    I later reached out on 1/8/22 as it seemed the artist was back to giving me silence. I sent them a message today (2/13/22) as I still have not heard nothing back about my commission (Seen below (12)). My next step is to ask for a refund of the $75 I had sent them as this is getting ridiculous. 













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    • Senior Staff

    OP, your best bet at recouping the loss would be to just go through paypal for your refund at this point. Asking for a refund seems to be a fruitless endeavor because of how their communication just dropped off entirely.

    Inform them that you'll be going to Paypal for a refund and leave it at that. You're already dangerously close to the 180 day window to dispute this transaction, don't hesitate to get your money back.

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