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  • Beware: Leandro Lorkalt/lorkalt1

    • Who: Lorkalt1
      Where: https://twitter.com/lorkalt
      When: 01/11/2023
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content

    I was really holding out for Lorkalt, but the year is coming to an end and I have yet to get what I paid for. That, on top of months-long waits for a simple response and seeing the artist fulfill other commissions while I wait so long, I want to make this post to warn against commissioning Lorkalt or @Lorkalt1 on Twitter. 

    On January 11th, I started talks with Lorkalt about a two-character colored commission. We did the transaction through Paypal and it was all done on that same day. A couple of days later Lorkalt sent me a sketch of what the piece would look like, and I agreed to what I saw. 

    After this communication started to go downhill. I told the artist that I liked the sketch and then I finally got a response from him on February 27th - almost a month after we last spoke. He apologized for the wait and then sent me a link to a Google Drive folder that held detailed Black and Whites of my commission. I confirmed that I liked what I saw and sent him a few more details to help with the coloring. It almost took him until mid-July for me to get another response. 

    When I finally got a response from Lorkalt, they explained that they were preoccupied with a situation going on at their end and sent me another update which I confirmed. He explained that he was just finalizing everything, and yet I only got my next response in October. There was no real update concerning my commission, but instead an explanation as to what was now preventing him from giving me updates. He explained that he lost access to his Twitter due to being blocked and that he would send me news during that week. 

    That never happened, and now it's a few days into December and I have not heard ANYTHING from Lorkalt concerning my commission. 

    As you will see in the screenshots, during these huge windows of silence, I have sent Lorkalt multiple messages to see if we can re-establish some communication. I would either be left on read or just flat-out ignored, so I was kept in the dark about when I would get any updates on what I paid for. And while Lorkalt did state that he lost access to his account due to being blocked, I don't find that as a valid reason mostly due to how we also established communication through email. So, regardless of if his Twitter was blocked, he still had the capability of updating me via the email address that I provided to him. 

    It's irritating to deal with this because the art shows a lot of promise and I was excited to commission him. But I only learned that he has a habit of being tardy with updates only after I paid him, from this website and from other Twitter users who have been waiting for more than a year for their artwork. 















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