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  • Beware: iigoart

    • Who: iigoart, iigo-art, iigo_art, iigodeath, envyfelled
      Where: https://www.tumblr.com/iigo-art
      When: 02/18/2022
      What: Commission

    February 18, 2022: I message Envyfelled/Iigoart on Twitter expressing interest in commissioning them.


    February 24, 2022: They accept my commission idea (full message not included because this was a NSFW commission and I provided NSFW character details), and I pay the PayPal invoice they send me.


    The invoice they sent I paid (proof):


    September 20, 2022: Shortly after I paid for my commission, they went on a little art hiatus, which they came back a few months later in September and publicly tweeted that this was because of mental health issues. They mention that they have been giving commissioners refunds because of this, so I message them in hopes of getting one too (or at least a commission update of any kind, which I have not since I paid back on February 24). I understand they had life issues so I tried to be patient, hoping for a reply eventually (unfortunately, I never do).


    September 29, 2022: This is when I start to send several messages to them, asking for them to respond to me or explain where my commission is I paid money for. They never responded to me. I'm not sure if they've even opened our messages since I paid for the commission back in February.


    March 11 - July 18, 2023: They continue to ignore my messages.


    July 28, 2023: Both of their Twitters (@iigo_art and @envyfelled) don't seem to be the most active, so I find one of their tumblrs (@iigodeath) which they are pretty active on. I message them there, hoping they will respond to my messages, but they do not. I also try to send some Asks which they also ignore.


    Final contact was sent but no response:


    Summary: I commissioned Envyfelled/iigo-art in February 2022 for a $80 commission I would never get (no WIPs, progress updates, nothing). I unfortunately waited too long to open a PayPal dispute, so I am left robbed from my money as this artist will not communicate with me at all. While I get they have some life issues which may impede their ability to speedily answer my messages, it's been over a year since they have acknowledged my existence, and this behavior is just beyond unprofessional and frustrating. I make this post in hopes somebody can get me in touch with them so I can get my money back, or hopefully warn others in case this artist ever takes commissions again.

    Edited by James
    updated for final contact

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