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  • Beware: Caudle/Sibylline Sounds

    • Who: Caudle/Sibylline Sounds
      Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/caudle/
      When: 03/21/2020
      What: Commission


    Caudle does not create art pieces, instead he creates audios that feature a variety of kinks. Things like hypnosis, vore, coiling and the like. He writes the script, creates the sounds, and hires a voice actor for it. He mostly creates audios for purchase on his store at  Sibylline Sounds, but he also offers custom audios of your character. I commed him to get a vore audio of one of my characters. I sent in an application and he responded the same day confirming the details and giving a deadline of 2-3 weeks. (Some of the email correspondence will have weird formatting. This is because I deleted them from my inbox and had to find them in my sent mail. Also, I censored his email, because while it is the official email for his store, I wanted to be cautious.)


    I confirmed the details and paid the invoice.


    After about a month with no updates I contacted him asking for an update and was told there were some delays and I would have a script to approve that week.


    I was never sent a script, so I waited a couple of weeks. After not hearing anything I contacted him again at the end of May asking for another update. He apologized for the delay and told me he would send a script soon. Which I never received.


    After this I held off from requesting updates for a couple of months thinking that the pandemic and things going on in his personal life were probably taking precedence. In December of 2020 I sent another email asking for an update, but got no response.


    Finally near the end of January 2021 he contacted me and gave a short update, including a small draft of the script. I was told that it should be finished sometime in early February. 2076264484_JanuaryUpdate.thumb.png.dd1c94b7226866f4243ecef3e829ba87.png

    Never got contacted in February, so I waited a couple months and sent a request for an update in April, but got no response.


    Later on in the beginning of June I sent another email asking for a response. He replied back, saying the delay was because the voice actor he wanted to use was not responding to any of his messages. He offered a refund, but I declined because I really do want this audio. I asked to be kept informed about the status of the audio and he agreed to send me updates every week. 179108200_FirstJuneUpdate2021.thumb.png.2914bdf6ed30ee2c20b3ea6d4d369d2d.png

    After a couple of weeks of not getting any updates I sent an email asking if he had any luck finding new voice actors. He replied that he had and sent me some demo reels of a couple of actors. 1111365765_VoiceActorDemoReels.thumb.png.96a5925846294d16ba9c606641711233.png


    A couple of days later I asked for an update on the script and he replied that he made some progress on it, but was having writer's block and asked for suggestions for other scenarios.


    That is the last correspondence between us. I still really do want this audio, his work is amazing. I understand that creating an audio is more complex than general art. I do understand that delays and IRL stuff do happen. I just wish

    he were more communicative about that. If delays happen I want to be informed and if I deadline is missed I want to be contacted about it instead of me having to contact him.

    Edited by Celestina
    added cap

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    • Senior Staff

    I see that you've now deemed it resolved, but I have a few things that catch my eye as a community member in reading this post.

    Due to the nature of this particular type of commission, I definitely understand a prolonged timeframe in having it delivered in full.
    Throw in the pandemic to top it all off, and it hindered a lot of creatives to different degrees.

    While this artist has definitely dropped the ball in communication at a couple of points, you have also dropped off without responses to the artist at a few instances here, it paints an inconsistent picture as an outsider.

    And lastly? You've stated that communication has broken down, but you haven't shown a response to their message from earlier this month.
    Given the multiple factors to consider for this type of commission; i.e. talent scouting, script writing and the eventual recording, its befuddling that you denied the refund you've been offered for the project.

    Caudle has expressed wanting to continue working with you in the future in spite of all of the delays, and offered to refund you in full. It seems unfair to put this firmly on them when the multiple variables in getting this sort of project off the ground have been very visible and clearly stated to you as a client.

    Had I been in your shoes, I would have bowed out and continued the project another time.

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    I commissioned them for a written story for one of my characters and it took them 2 and a half years to finally get it made and I had barely gotten any communication from them. That was the first and so far only time I’ve commissioned them. I ended up going to more cons than writing so I’m not sure if they’re trustworthy.

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    • Administrator

    A comment was not posted as it violates Item 1 of the submission guidelines: posts submitted to artists beware may not contain third party/ proxy.

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    23 hours ago, rikki said:


    I have been talking to him and have realized this. I was being incredibly unfair to him and taking out my frustration on him when it was not his fault.

    Edited by rikki
    cut back on words
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