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  • Beware captn_hawk

    • Who: Captn_hawk
      Where: https://instagram.com/stfu_hawk
      When: 07/28/2020
      What: Item Trade


    Hawk and I agreed to do a trade where he was to give me a set assortment of video games in return for $50 usd and lots of art from me. 

    I believe he goes by he/him pronouns so that is what I am using for this post. 

    His account has since been deleted so the user is going to be “instagrammer”

    He took a long while to actually tell me what he wanted with reguards to artwork so I didn’t actually start drawing until he picked out said drawings that they wanted me to do.



    He ended up asking me to choose the amount and type of drawings I do for him.


    and this is the reaction to me sending WIP photos of the artwork and eventually finishing them all (images aren’t there anymore) 


    I asked him for his address so I could ship the artwork off as soon as I could and it took them a few days to respond to that.

    I am pretty sure I shipped the box out on October 19th or 20th 2020 and asked him to let me know when he received them.

    I thought it was weird only because I didn’t have any other international or US packages take this long even with the pandemic. 
    I messaged him when I saw that it was delivered and he hadn’t messaged me.


    Since he stated that he had COVID I let him be and didn’t message him for at least 2 weeks. I ended up messaging him for a check up on February 17th because he said he would package it up and send me a picture in the previous message which he didn’t do.

    here he sends me a picture of the labeled package  (just a handwritten one) so I believed the package would be sent that week like they said. I tried not to message him about shipping or tracking at the time it because I didn’t want to seem like I was pestering him.



    Since it took so long one way, I assumed it would take just as much time the other way so I decided to message him about a tracking number when I falsely believed the package was well on its way. This is the last of the messages we sent through Instagram


    when I saw that the Instagram account was deleted I assumed he just ran away, hence my first message to him through Telegram 


    I knew I wasn’t the only one having issues with him (as about 3-4 close friends privately messaged be about similar issues with him as well) 


    to this day I have not received anything out of this “trade”. No artwork or money or games. 
    I tried to be extremely patient this entire time with him as I know he has mental health problems and 2020 was a year, but I honestly don’t know what to do at this point. Talking to him seems to get me nowhere. 

    Edited by James
    censored caps, inserted proof of payment

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    5 hours ago, James said:

    Howdy!  This has been approved due to the sheer length of time.  However, did they ever continue the telegram chat?

    The last screenshot is the last of the conversation I had with him on telegram. I haven’t tried to contact him because aevery time I do, all I seem to get is an excuse.

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    I and many other people are owned either art or pins. I did a pin trade with him and never recieved anything. He tells people different things (some he says he cannot ship out his country and some he says he's waiting on shipping materials) and has a lot of upset pin collectors.

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    4 hours ago, MatchaThylacine said:

    I and many other people are owned either art or pins. I did a pin trade with him and never recieved anything. He tells people different things (some he says he cannot ship out his country and some he says he's waiting on shipping materials) and has a lot of upset pin collectors.

    I’ve heard that from at least 3 people now, but no formal beware. Decided to share my experience. 

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    Hi yes this is me, excuse the slightly different spelling on my name since it was the one way I managed to register here (can provide proof if needed).

    I was sent the link by the poster themselves (thank you btw) and I came here not just to explain a few things but because I’d like to take responsibility for what happened, Im not gonna come here and and talk about how all of this is bc of how hard the pandemic and 2020 has been on me, I’m aware everyone’s struggling in a way or another, but between grieving, physical/mental health issues, and a few other issues that I’m not comfortable going into detail on, it definitely had a big impact on how things turned out, considering how the pandemic is also why borders closed down for a fairly long time, I appreciate the OP being as patient and understanding as they were, I can’t explain why I shut down the way I did, because I never have been one to have poor communication with customers, regardless of how forgetful I can be sometimes, it could’ve been stress or pressure of all the things I was/am dealing with but it wasn’t okay and it was wrong that I didn’t do more to make sure they were updated and that the package was sent out sooner. I fully acknowledge that mistake on my end, and I sincerely apologize that in a way I allowed for it to get to that point, it was never intentional but it happened and I hold myself accountable for it. I see a comment mentioning art delays and I’d like to take the chance to apologize for that as well, I took more than I could handle because at the time I assumed I’d be able to do everything as I usually did but I was wrong and I’m sorry that it was the people who I owed art to that had to suffer because of my lapse in judgement. As of now (from September  14th to be exact) I have been working on having everything shipped out, tracking provided to those who ask for it (I’m not in the US so its harder to get tracking for everyone after the prices were raised), I no longer do commissions or trades and I am fully focused on clearing this mess I have caused, by shipping what was done and backed up, working on the owed art and also offering refunds, which are sent if accepted, as of today (09/22/2021) I shipped this customer’s order and gave them a full refund for the amount paid, and tomorrow I will be once again dropping off more backed up orders. I apologize once again for the mess I have caused and I vow to never repeat this mistake, I will be personally contacting all those affected for a direct apology and offer compensation for the delay, thank you to those reading this and thank you for the wake up call, it was very much needed, have a wonderful day/night.

    - Hawk

    Proof of shipment/refund for this customer’s order here:

    [Image Removed to abide by A_B standards for PII]

    Edited by rikki
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    • Administrator

    Howdy! @CaptnHawk I went ahead and removed the tracking image from your post to stand solid with our doxxing rules. We appreciate you coming out.  Once OP confirms everything is squared away we can issue the resolved tag.

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