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  • Beware: BrokenVocaloid

    • Who: BrokenVocaloid
      Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/brokenvocaloid/
      When: 10/18/2020
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content

    Hi there, I am making this post about BrokenVocaloid since I have been waiting on two commissions: one from October of 2020, and the other from February 16th, 2021. To be honest, I would be extremely surprised to ever see a finished piece or even a refund at this point, but I figured I may as well give a warning to other people. 

    There are also a few other problems with commissions that will be shown throughout the screenshots I will be providing, but I am only missing two commissions/refunds as of today.

    These first two screenshots show the first (and oldest) commission that I am still waiting on, with proof of payment included. Also included is Broken requesting a $100 credit from me, nearly two months later, which I feel is at least somewhat odd and unprofessional. 



    This next screenshot shows how difficult it can be to communicate with this artist due to a total lack of response, which is all too common with her.


    A month later, Broken asks for me to commission her again, even though I was still lacking the first commission that I talked about earlier. Fortunately for me, she dropped the price to $25 and I only purchased one. Unfortunately for me, I still never received the commission in question. I also included proof of payment below the discussion we had over it.





    The stream that would show off this commission was supposedly moved to a later date, but it never happened at all.


    Two months later and she DMs me with a request for me to commission her again. At that point I was very reluctant to commission her again, especially with two unfinished pieces, so I declined.

    To me, her response seemed very guilt-trippy and manipulative as she tried to put the responsibility for her eviction on me, a customer of her art. I understand opening commissions for emergencies, but directly contacting a previous commissioner and asking for money under the threat of eviction does not seem even remotely fair or professional.

    And, of course, you can see that I asked on the status of the commission over two months later to no response whatsoever.


    Broken, of course, ignored my request for a status update altogether and invited me to her new server. I put in a refund request to the server after the commissions were not finished when she promised, and that request has been sitting in the refund channel ever since I put it in. The oldest refund request in the channel is from another commissioner posted on the 28th of July, 2021, with no indication of ever being fulfilled.



    As you can see, I am far from the only person to have trouble getting commissions and/or refunds from her.


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    • Administrator

    A comment was not posted.  While this artist does not have a good track record, let's not hurl accusations that can't be proven.

    It's quite clear she's struggling, and she should have been raising her prices ages ago.  From the last time she commented here it was obvious she was trying to get control of her queue, but it doesn't look like much has changed.

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    On 9/8/2022 at 5:54 PM, James said:

    A comment was not posted.  While this artist does not have a good track record, let's not hurl accusations that can't be proven.

    It's quite clear she's struggling, and she should have been raising her prices ages ago.  From the last time she commented here it was obvious she was trying to get control of her queue, but it doesn't look like much has changed.

    I thought the same thing a while back. She has a good style, don't get me wrong, but she's been promising to get a handle on her queue for a couple years now.

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    On 9/9/2022 at 8:43 AM, togepi said:

    That blonde hair bit is certainly strange. I checked it out and it really does look like the hair is a different colour to the rest of the character 

    It definitely threw me off a bit. It's a small thing, though, and at the very least I'm happy enough to have received anything at all with how large her backlog is.

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