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  • Beware: Besped

    • Who: FA: Besped, Discord: Datfox#5585
      Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/besped/
      When: 10/01/2019
      What: Commission

    Besped sent me a note on FA wanting to do an animation commission for me.




    We then continued to talk on Discord about the commission. I agreed on having an animation done of two of my characters. They said that the animation would take 1-2 months.




    Then they sent me an invoice, and I paid it. They added that there would be weekly updates.





    After about a week, they sent me an update. I approved the sketched 3-4 frames, and agreed to add on another bit of animation. (The WIP sketch is no longer present due to them deleting it just today.)




    They sent me an invoice for the additions, and I paid it.




    I didn't get another update for another few weeks. This update added a few new frames, but did not have any changes to the rest of it. I approved that update, and they disappeared again. (The WIP sketch is no longer present due to them deleting it just today.)




    They disappeared again through the Holidays. I messaged them again after the new year. I did not get a response for weeks. Once I messaged again, they responded, stating that they'd be gone for another week or so. 




    At this point, I've asked them for a refund both on Discord and PayPal. On Discord, they said just to go through PayPal. I have not received a response as of yet on PayPal.

    I will update this post once things start moving forward again.

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