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  • Beware artolvrsmth

    • Who: artolvrsmth
      Where: https://www.deviantart.com/artolvrsmth
      When: 02/16/2021
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content

    Hello all. So I ordered this commission back in February 16th of 2021. I have previously worked with this artist before and never had an issue with them so I decided to work with them again since I quite like the last piece I did. Anyways I successfully put in the request commission form from a  Google from thing can't remember the exact thing and got a response back within a few days and she was quite excited to be working with me again. 

    About a month later on March 19th I did receive a rough sketch so just the line arts. As for what I commission was in general I ordered a single character illustration with full shading and a background. When I got the sketch I was quite happy with it as it looked very cute. I did requested two things to be changed on it though. The first one was the body style. The character I used was a bit chubby and they drew her as a thin character even though I had her body style listed in the character info tab thing for the refs I sent. The second was just to make the boobs a bit bigger as they where pretty small for the character and just looked a bit weird to me. And following that she agreed to change those for me and have it fixed in a few days

    After the sketch was approved that is when things took a turn. On April 11th I asked for an update and got no response, I waited two months and asked on June 15th for an update and once again no response. Then I became a bit annoyed and sent another one on June 19th asking for an update as it has been three months since I received anything. Finally the next day June 20th I received a reply She mentioned to me she was having health problems and was worried this affected our business relationship with us working together for comms or however you put it. I mentioned to her that that is all fine and I hope she makes a good recovery and feels better soon.

    Next month July 8th 2021 I receive a message saying she will have an update by the weekend and I responded with how I was excited to see it. And this is the last I have ever heard of her. On August 9th I sent a hello message and was ignored and two in July but deleted those as I thought I was spamming. Finally I had enough I sent a message on August 29th detailing my annoyance and lack of response and how I was a bit stressed especially with how much money this was. I outlined I would like a refund but she could keep what is owed for the rough sketch. As of me waiting this it is September 16th and I have yet to hear a response. 

    I am slowly getting done with commissioning people a this will be the fourth artist I have had to deal with that has run off with my money. I like to commission people and support others but it is really getting hard for me to do so as I'm just paranoid at this point so idk what to do. Anyways here is a bunch of images 

    Paypal Invoice statement I paid on February 18th 2021

    Message one: Discussing comm stuff, like pose the character I'm using and background junk

    Random stuff and Paypal being weird for me with the invoice 


    Rough sketch received 

    Lack of response 1

    Response back and saying when I'll get an update

    Where we are at now

    But yes hopefully this all checks out. Still learning how to do these. But ea take care and have a great day, cheers! ^^

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    • Senior Staff
    14 hours ago, fackao said:

    Is it okay to have the last name of the person in the tags like that? (If that's their last name) sorry if it's inappropriate to point out

    We do not include any information that is not public in tags or in our submissions.
    This Bewaree uses the listed name in the tags as part of their pages.

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    Forgot to add this update:

    I did receive an email from the artist via Gmail, saying she will have it finished by the end of October. And well it’s currently November 6th.

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    Possibly the final update from me on this particular journal. It’s now been almost a whole year since I commissioned this artist. The last I have heard anything was in October of 2021, with an email in regards to the flats. Of course all the stuff I asked them to fix they did not in any way shape or form. So it is sadly safe to say I will not be seeing the completion of the art or any kind of financial compensation. Do not commission this artist, I greatly regret comming them as I could have used those funds for something cooler and more worth while or even supporting my friends.

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