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  • Artist Beware: guppygoopy/ DreamyBeaches

    • Who: guppygoopy
      Where: https://twitter.com/guppygoopy
      When: 11/22/2020
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content

    Early in November someone I followed on twitter posted some art by an anonymous artist. Goopy approached me claiming she was the artist and after some back and forth I ended up commissioning her for a ref sheet totaling just over $68 USD/$85 CAD.
    Sadly my twitter account has been suspended so the initial conversation has been lost.


    During the first few days after payment she was actually quick with responses and actually proved a few WiPs, even giving some insight on changing some character details



    This was the last update on the order since I paid her

    A while later and after a bit of small talk I bring it up with her again as it's been a four months at this point. 
    She was facing some personal issues at the time which I excused believing it would be resolved in time.

    Two more months pass by and yet again I ask if there has been any progress since then, I get yet another reasoning as to why she hasn't been working on it with an issue that I would have thought could have been resolved by the next day



    After that I was getting a bit frustrated and just decided to ask for a refund, she's since then still hasn't replied to me.

    What's even more aggravating is knowing she's doing fine and well, as she's been streaming on twitch up to 5 hours a day on some days.

    Mod note: Twitch cap removed because it was difficult to read and too large.  But it was here.

    At the current time of this it's been six months since I've paid her, and I can no longer go through paypal to dispute the charge.
    I know there's another beware of this artist here already and really just hoping more people can be aware before she starts accepting more money from people.


    Edited by Celestina
    removed twitch cap

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    • Senior Staff

    It's unfortunate to see that this is a pattern with this artist.
    But I do think you need to treat your art purchases as proper transactions in the future, OP.

    I can understand being chummy and friendly with someone, but you two entered into a business transaction and the communication regarding it should be held to a different standard. Not everyone's experience is universal, but posting random gifs/memes to initiate a conversation regarding your commission can be off-putting to someone who may not be fully familiar with you.

    This artist's practices are not okay, but I wouldn't even know where to begin if someone just spammed me with random gifs to get me to talk. To the wrong person, it might trigger anxiety if you're not straight-forward about your intentions and that can make things worse down the line.

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