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  • Beware: Aelli / Aelliana

    • Who: Aelli / Aelliana
      Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/aelli/ and http://aelliana.deviantart.com/
      When: 07/12/2014
      What: Other (Explain Below)

    Update as of 9/14/2014: I have seen no "real" attempts from Aelli's end on her getting me the name of the person she supposedly bought my base from. Because of this, I cannot come to believe that what she told me was, in fact, the truth. Whatever the real truth is, is a complete mystery to me. Along with this, I can't really come to believe, at least now, after MONTHS of waiting for her to come up with some sort of hint as to who she "bought" my base from, I am pretty much at the point that I am starting to honestly believe that she used my base, thinking that she could get away with not crediting me. To those of you who are currently reading this, checking updates to the A_B forum/group, I will leave this last update for you all to read. PLEASE beware Aeilli/Aelliana and avoid contacting her. If she goes out and takes free linework and tries to profit off of it without crediting the original source, then lies and doesn't even bother trying to sort out the matter truthfully, she has shown she cannot be trusted.

    UPDATE: She unblocked my fiance to say her apologies. I am currently talking to her now to solve the matter. It seems, from what she is telling me, that someone else had uploaded the linework and was selling the files for monetary gain. Currently we are talking on a calm civil tone and trying to figure things out. At the time being, the issues have been explained and are almost solved entirely.

    This is fairly long, but details everything that happened. The issue itself lasted over the course of one day, but I continue to worry that other artists will have their work stolen and resold if this isn't brought to light, and we cannot simply "report a user" on Furaffinity without the issue of their Trouble Ticket System being backlogged. Please read to avoid this thief.
    (Used spoiler since LJ Cut wasn't working in the preview)
    Also, to the moderators, I apologise for all the issues with this submission, not really sure what is happening to cause it to go wonky.

    WHO: Aelli / Aelliana

    WHERE: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/aelli/ and http://aelliana.deviantart.com/

    WHAT: Violation of Rules for Free Lineart Use and ART THEFT

    WHEN: Timeline: This happened on the 12th of July and is a continual worry.

    PROOF: My dropbox has all screenshots from this incident as the user in question has removed all art, BUT threatened to repost it.
    The original post of mine (All are downloadable via dropbox)
    FREE KITSUNE LINEART (FA) (Contains NSFW content)
    KITSUNE FEMALE (DA) (Contains NSFW content)
    KITSUNE MALE (DA) (Contains NSFW content) This one could have also been the Cboi lineart since they are "the same" as one another

    The stolen/traced work:

    UPDATED: Managed to save four out of the five she had posted since she deleted them (these are using the tail from my lineart). I am not concerned about these getting pulled from the site since they were free, but they have her watermark on them, so I figured I would add them to the list.
    Grey Female (Slightly edited by the adopter)
    Green Female Also seen on her "Fiance's" profile
    Pinkish-Purple Female
    Tan Female

    Overlays of their "art" and my Linework proving that they repurposed my work without permission or credit

    EXPLAIN: Alright, so here is how the ENTIRE THING played out. I had logged in to simply check messages before starting on school work when one of my watchers had contacted me via note (to which I am extremely grateful for) that the free to use lineart that I had posted on DeviatART (It is posted to both FA and DA) was being used for adoptables even though I had asked that it NOT be used for monetary gain without permission, or otherwise. I thanked said watcher for telling me this (and left them out of the situation for numerous reasons) and tried to civilly contact Aelli about the situation. I left a comment on her RedPanda post (which has been deleted since), simply saying "Could you please not use my linework for adoptables" and I DID link them to the original post. They then hid the comment (which is why I do not have a screenshot of it but it is seen on some of the screencaps of hidden comments). I then posted a shout on their page, they again, removed the shout and proceeded to block me. I rooted around a bit on their profile and was able to find their DeviantART link, and I did contact them via private note on my account DarkSinnister (the free linework account). The note reads from bottom to top due to how DA handles PM's.

    They soon after I contacted them on FA, posted this journal trying to play the "victim of fake accusations" because "the art looked similar". My fiance Huntingslea (whom I told specifically not to comment) went ahead and posted a comment on the journal (as seen in prior link) and this is the conversation that played out. Huntingslea_FA-Conversation-with-Aelli.png to which she basically still continued to deny the blatant and hard to counter evidence that was brought up.

    I had gone as gracefully as I could so I wouldn't end up getting agitated, I went about it calmly and tried to resolve the issue without too much stress, but they continued to defend themselves and proceeded to say that I was harassing them simply because I was trying to SOLVE the situation in a calm manner. Granted, I did do a few stupid things, but once they removed the work, I removed all traces of me asking for help on resolving this (since FA is still BACKLOGGED with TT's). They then said, or basically promised/threatened that they WOULD repost their "art work" on FA and DA and that they had "no control over how I feel about it" and that it wasn't their "concern". I did take notice that they had done this BEFORE and basically gotten away with it because they hid all comments and blocked the users (those are unrelated to this post though, so I will not post those links).

    I have provided the "adoptables" above as an overlay on my linework, which I did shortly before/after contacting them, and as you will notice, all they did was alter the tails, legs, Breasts (for the female) ears and move the arm up just ever so slightly to try and get past that they were doing this without permission. The user -somehow- legally/honestly obtained new lineart and -seems- to be avoiding claiming anything that they did not do as "theirs". Even with this though, I still fear that they are going to try to repost the "adoptables" that they did with my free linework (which is still, against my Rules of Use if they did NOT ask permission). I do not want anyone within the art community, artist or watcher alike, to possibly get scammed by this user. I really did not want to resort to this measure, but I STILL fear that she will repost those images and try to scam users into thinking that they are entirely her work and sell them.

    Current Mood: Aggravated

    EDIT: So apparently the adopts that she used the tail from my original submission were given out for free. I am thankful for that. Still upset she used my work without permission, but glad other users weren't scammed into buying them.

    EDIT2: Apparently she unblocked me to tell me to leave her alone. I have a feeling that someone saw this post and asked her why, or warned her about it. If she IS reading this post. If she just simply will CREDIT ME FOR MY WORK, as well as NEVER use it again since she is now basically on a "black list of sorts" (meaning I blocked her after she contacted me), I will GLADLY call this resolved. All I ever wanted was credit where it was DUE.

    EDIT3: So she removed the images without trying to SOLVE the issue in the slightest. As far as I am concerned, this issue has gone unresolved and this post will remain as is.

    EDIT4: Her note can be seen HERE with my response to her, I think she sent this after deleting the images with my tail linework in them.

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