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  • Beware: VCR-Wolfe / Bird Bones

    • Who: VCR-Wolfe / Bird Bones
      Where: deviantArt: http://vcr-wolfe.deviantart.com/
      Weasyl: https://www.weasyl.com/~vcrwolfe
      NSFW Weasyl: https://www.weasyl.com/~birdbones
      Furaffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vcr-wolfe , http://www.furaffinity.net/user/raichul/ (old account)
      NSFW Furaffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/birdbones
      Tumblr: http://vcr-wolfe.Tumblr.com/
      NSFW Tumblr: http://bird-boners.Tumblr.com/
      When: 06/28/2014
      What: Art Trade




    WHO: VCR-Wolfe / Bird Bones

    deviantArt: http://vcr-wolfe.deviantart.com/
    Weasyl: https://www.weasyl.com/~vcrwolfe
    NSFW Weasyl: https://www.weasyl.com/~birdbones
    Furaffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vcr-wolfe , http://www.furaffinity.net/user/raichul/ (old account)
    NSFW Furaffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/birdbones
    Tumblr: http://vcr-wolfe.Tumblr.com/
    NSFW Tumblr: http://bird-boners.Tumblr.com/

    WHAT: Trade, two pieces of digital art in exchange for an item
    I have edited out discussion of the nature of the item in question and why VCR-Wolfe was seeking it as I feel it is a personal matter. I will provide unedited screenshots to the mods if required.
    Journal inquiring about trade: http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss8/Crysanthemimus/vcrcommissionbbjournal.png
    Notes establishing trade:
    Emails: Note that D is me and R is VCR-Wolfe

    WHEN: June 28, 2014 to Present

    PayPal receipt:
    One commission complete:
    Checking status:
    Checking status again:
    Checking status yet again: NSFW

    EXPLAIN: I initially commissioned VCR Wolfe on June 28, 2014 on their alternate Weasyl account when they posted a journal asking for an item in exchange for art. I had commissioned them back in May and received my art in four days, so I thought this trade would also be as smooth.

    We discussed the details of the trade through notes before moving on to email. Since the item was rather expensive,we agreed on two pieces of art in exchange, a mini and a flat colored sketch. I received the mini on August 15. Shortly afterwards they opened up for more commissions. (screenshot) A little over a month later, they posted a journal (screenshot) in which they explained they were very busy with school. I was sympathetic and was willing to wait.

    In mid-November, I saw a post on their public art Tumblr offering to trade art for a plushie. This was just days after they posted a journal (screenshot) about how they once again were very busy with school. I was upset because they still owed me art from our trade and noted them with my concerns. They explained that they realized how heavy their workload was and had already deleted the post. I was again willing to wait, and in December they posted promising to work on commissions over winter break. (screenshot)

    However, in mid-January they again posted a journal (screenshot) about how they had no time to work on commissions over their break. They posted on their public art Tumblr about how they just could not work over their break and how awful they felt about it.

    Despite how busy they supposedly were with school and life, VCR Wolfe has posted new personal art work on a near daily basis. Between their two Weasyl accounts, they have posted over 130 submissions in the 8 months since I commissioned them. They have set up at least three separate blogs (NSFW), including one with drawn ask responses although that one seems to have been inactive since December. Their main art Tumblr is the most active. Although it is mostly sketches, they have also (NSFW) posted several polished pieces of art since I have commissioned them. (screenshots newest to oldest: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NSFW 9) All of this while telling commissioners they have no time for art.

    I have been able to see progress on my second commission by noting them on Weasyl. NSFW At this point, however, I am just tired of the poor work ethic this artist has. As of February 23, I still have not received the finished second piece of art.

    Edit: While this was in the queue, VCR Wolfe and I settled the matter with them issuing a partial refund. I consider this resolved

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