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  • Beware: Fuzzworks Fursuits/Darby Deer

    • Who: Fuzzworks Fursuits/Darby Deer
      Where: https://twitter.com/Fuzz_Works
      When: 09/30/2016
      What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts



    Who: Fuzzworks Fursuits/Darby Deer

    Where: Facebook.
    You can view there very packed trello here: https://trello.com/b/c0ua8utY/fursuits

    What: a pair of fursuit feet

    When: First payment was September 30th, 2016 and I am still experiencing issues to this day.

    Explanation: I ordered a pair of feet from Fuzzworks. Its been damn near impossible to get a hold of them. They also jam pack their schedule and do a lot of trades with others and constantly travel to cons. After poking Darby a few times I made a beware on Facebook, which turned into a storm of white knights and Darby asking me to remove the post. I did, hoping I would finally get some process on my feet and nothing.

    I then asked Darby to make the feet for Furnal Equinox and then I can just pick them up there from her to make things easier on her part. I also ordered a Bandana from her, which she never shipped and I had to pick up from FE as well. I'm still currently waiting on a refund and it's been over 2 weeks since she said she would refund me. Fuzzworks has a history of bad customer service and not giving their clients updates. People were telling me its normal to wait almost a year for products from them or no communication. Do not commission these people. They are constantly asking for trades too, which they don't even have time to do with how stacked they are with commissions. They also made a post once they offered the refund that I "canceled" my slot.

    Proof: here is the paypal transaction: 

    and here is the conversation I had with Darby along with the post she made regarding the canceled slot.

    and thats that. I'm still waiting for a refund and she hasn't replied to me yet either.

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