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  • Beware: Euclase/SionnachArtach

    • Who: Euclase/SionnachArtach
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/euclase/
      When: 07/01/2017
      What: Commission



    WHO: Euclase and SionnachArtach (Second account) on FurAffinity

    WHERE: Contacted on FurAffinity, paid via PayPal

    WHAT: Digital art, Flat Bust (20,00 €) and Flat Fullbody (30,00 €)

    WHEN: Initial contact in July/2017. First payment for the Flat Bust on 07/July/2017, second one for the Flat Fullbody on 22/July/2017.


    I sent her a note on FurAffinity after a recommendation in early July/2017, asking if she was currently available and willing to do a Bust-Commission from the waist up. She agreed and we started discussing the details, with me sending all the references in a separate note.
    First payment: (http://fs1.directupload.net/images/180918/8os6zy9y.png)

    Two weeks later, I approached her again for a Flat Fullbody-Commission, which she agreed to as well (She also mentioned that she was working on two commissions at once and would get to mine after them) and I sent the details again. Payment occured later.
    Now I was with my commissions on her To Do List.
    Note with the mention: (http://fs5.directupload.net/images/180918/h7pofc33.png)
    Second payment: (http://fs5.directupload.net/images/180918/gyckwldd.png)
    To Do List: (http://fs1.directupload.net/images/180918/mwgujoe7.png)
    Then I left her alone and waited. That was still in July/2017.

    I noticed her posting some commissions and personal art, so I thought of it as a great sign.
    However, she posted journals where she informed us about some health issues together with others that detailed about her returning and being active again, but I still wasn't worried. Her last one was a long one which ended on a positive note that she hasn't forgotten us and thanked us for our patience.
    Note: According to FA right now, this was still a year ago.

    In the meantime, I have decided to make a major overhaul to my Flatbody-commission since it wasn't started and sent her a note 10 months ago (November/2017) about it. It's unread to this day.
    Though, to not come off as impatient and pushy, I haven't noted her about this any further. But as month after month passed by, I began to get nervous and tried to get some info about the current commission-status.
    -First with a shout on her page 5 months ago (April/2018)
    -Secondly via e-mail to her PayPal-adress 4 months ago (15/May/2018)
    In both I have expressed my worries that something bad might have happened to her and that I would be glad to see a sign of life from her again. 10 months since her last favourite.
    Both went unanswered, so a bit desperate, I asked some friends of her - one of which provided me her new profile, SionnachArtach, created on 24th March 2018. According to the member, she had lost her password to the Euclase-account.

    Unfortunately, the profile seemed to be abandoned. There were two uploaded pictures, one of her icon, the other one for one of her friends. I messaged her on this profile three months ago (June/2018), asking if she had indeed opened a new account after losing her password, but it also went unread to this day.
    Her page does feature a Steam-name for contact, but I'm afraid that adding her just to get some info might backfire in some way.

    After waiting three additional months (over a year in total) without seeing any new activity, chances are that I'm out of 50,00 € and won't ever see the purchased art.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm certain that she hadn't suddenly decided to run off with the money and abandoning her clients. But it still leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth, that she had secretly created a new account with two uploaded pictures for herself and a friend, without informing her commissioners - while also ignoring every communication-attempt, apparently.

    To be honest, I'm hoping that we could still bring those two commissions to a satisfying end. Should she get back in touch with me, I'll update accordingly and hopefully call this case resolved.

    PROOF: Provided in the links above. If I'm missing something important, showed the wrong evidence or censored too much, don't hesitate to tell me, please.

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