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  • Beware: Creating Constellations/Pj Husky/Suits by Paxton

    • Who: Creating Constellations/Pj Husky/Suits by Paxton
      Where: https://twitter.com/pjhusky; https://twitter.com/SuitsByPaxton
      When: 06/02/2014
      What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts



    WHO: Creating Constellations/Pj Husky/Suits by Paxton

    WHERE: https://twitter.com/pjhusky; https://twitter.com/SuitsByPaxton

    WHAT: A commission for a set of white handpaws with black claws and pawpads. Originally advertised on Creating Constellations twitter as a promotion to get the word out about the new business. I was told to email them for further contact. Unfortunately this first Twitter account is now gone, as far as I know.

    WHEN: First contacted on June 2nd, 2014, paid on June 3rd 2014 in full.

    Proof of relation of "Creating Constellations" to "Suits by Paxton" [screenshot]
    Proof of relation of "Suits by Paxton" to "PJ Husky" [screenshot]
    Photo of paw on Twitter account matches photo in email. [screenshot]

    Emails: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

    EXPLAIN:As stated above, I found this promotion through Twitter and contacted them via email. After confirming their PayPal address I sent $66 on June 3rd. I asked for an estimated date of completion and was told end of July.

    In August after I hadn't heard anything, I emailed to check in, and was told I was scheduled to be completed by the end of August.

    Mid-September, I emailed again, since I hadn't heard anything again, and it seems there was some personal problems that caused the date to be missed. I was happy as long as I could get them in time for Rainfurrest (September 25-28), and was told they'd be done and shipped by the end of the week, leaving me just enough time to get them before the convention.

    September 21st, four days to the con, I still hadn't heard anything, so I checked in again.

    They replied on the 23rd, two days to the con, that they'd ship the paws express to the convention. I gave them the address of the hotel I was staying at. They said they would send me the photos of the paws tonight.

    September 24th, I emailed to check in, to be sure they were sent, since I hadn't gotten confirmation.

    The following day, the 25th, I was at the convention. I emailed, if the paws hadn't been shipped by now to just send them to my home address, which I gave again. The 25th and 26th passed without a reply. At this point I assumed I wasn't getting them for the convention.

    The 27th, I recieved an email letting me know there had been a shipping error, and that they would be sent to my home address today. I got the photos.

    October 10th, there hadn't been a reply since the 27th, so I emailed again asking for the tracking number, or if it was sent yet.

    Today, October 15th, there has yet to be a reply. While I believe eventually I will recieve the paws, the experience has been less than pleasant trying to contact them, and the promised due dates falling through is a dissapointment. Had I known there was going to be trouble I would have had time to come up with something for my paw situation at Rainfurrest, but since I assumed I'd get the paws as promised on time, I didn't make a backup plan.

    To try to figure out what was going on, since they had mentioned both Instagram and Twitter, I searched "PJ" and found "PJHusky", and "SuitsByPaxton". Had I not figured this out myself I would be a lot more upset, since all the information I have to go off of is the email correspondence, and the original Twitter account I had contacted was nuked. I would have thought I was scammed.

    Added 10/26/14:

    SuitsByPaxton posted on Twitter admitting problems with orders, so I responded on my public account since I hadn't gotten any email responses. You can read the resulting conversation here [screenshot]. Here is a photo of me with the paws once they arrived.

    In the end I recieved the paws, and the paws themselves are exactly what I expected. I hope in the future SuitsByPaxton learns from this experience and will communicate better with their future customers, and keep their deadlines, but be aware for now: if you commission SuitsByPaxton you may be in for a long wait and struggle for communication.

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