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  • Beware: Athena(TheJackal), ScribblyTees

    • Who: Athena(TheJackal), ScribblyTees
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/~athena~/
      When: 03/10/2017
      What: Commission



    WHO: Athena(TheJackal), ScribblyTees

    WHERE: Vancoufur 2017

    WHAT: Pearl/Bead Badge

    WHEN: March 10th 2017 in the Dealers Den.

    EXPLAIN: I spoke to Athena at her booth while she was still setting things up. She had a BUNCH of pearl/bead badges on display including one from a popofur I thought was the most amazing pearl/bead badge I set my eyes on. I told her I simply must have one and she was extremely helpful and happy to help. I gave her all my details and I sent her the appropriate amount she asked for both the badge AND shipping. She told me right then on the spot she would have it done by MAY of the same year guaranteed. So here I am, a FULL YEAR later and haven't got even one image of at least a part of it done. I had her on telegram since the day I walked out of that DDen and I've messaged her many times asking for updates and I was always either told some story (Whether you choose to believe it or not isn't my problem, she had AMPLE time prior to that shit) or I was simply ignored. (The classic two checkmarks but no response)
    So here I am, finally making this post because any normal individual would.
    At this point I don't even care if I get it anymore.

    PROOF: http://furchee.com/files/athena/telegramchatlog.jpg & http://furchee.com/files/athena/paypalpayment.jpg

    EDIT: 18/07/2018

    So after a couple days of backs and forths, we came to an understanding (or at least I thought we did) and things seemed to be coming together until yet another disappointment ocurred.
    I wrote Athena and actually got some progress. I'll attach an image of the badge she did in fact put together but never actually sent.
    She claimed she was going to melt it and send it at some point at the end of March and yet nothing seemed to have happened.

    At this point I do not care if she sends it in the mail or not. I do not understand why even after the conversation we had why this would still be an ongoing issue.
    It seems I lost nothing but valuable time and more importantly the 160 big ones I gave her.
    Oh and yes, I did see the twitter post on March 31st showing my badge apparently ready to ship. Sorry babe, it doesn't take almost 4 months to send or receive it.

    Badges: http://furchee.com/files/athena/badge.jpg & http://furchee.com/files/athena/badge2.jpg
    Chat: http://furchee.com/files/athena/idgaf_edit.jpg

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