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  • Beware: 827772

    • Who: 827772
      Where: http://827772.deviantart.com/
      When: 10/10/2014
      What: Commission




    EDIT: i've been refunded. they contacted me saying they lost my refs, but i asked for a refund instead which they gave me- this can be marked as resolved!


    WHO: http://827772.deviantart.com/

    WHERE: http://827772.deviantart.com/
    they also have a twitter that is listed publically on their deviantart account profile which is how i've been contacting them since their hiatus: https://twitter.com/taraopta

    even though my twitter was set to protected and currently is set as such, they do have my deviantart account to send me my art/or reply, and as stated in the explain portion, i did change my twitter from being protected for several days in waiting for a reply, giving them a chance to.

    WHAT: a couples fullbody image that ended up being $28. i split the payment with a friend but handled the transaction by myself.

    WHEN: i ordered the commission october 10th 2014, and i contacted her over twitter in january 20th 2015 after noticing there was a hiatus status on their deviantart, and have been in the dark since the beginning of february waiting for some sort of response.


    payment: http://i.imgur.com/aAi6tQa.png
    attempted dispute: http://i.imgur.com/BPBI9fV.png
    someone told me i should dispute it even though it'd be automatically closed for paypal's records if i need to take this to the business bureau.

    EXPLAIN: on october 10th i commissioned a couples fullbody from them, this is the entirely of my note of our back and forths with confirmation of payment sent.

    when i commissioned her, i was under the impression that even though she has more than 3 people ahead of me, that 'i'll start as soon as i'm paid' meant maybe she wasn't working fully in order like it shows on her profile, and i was in no rush either way because i've had pleasant commissioning experiences with them before.

    sometime in mid/late january i was prompted by the friend the commission was initially split between, saying it had been a long time since commissioning and i agreed. i looked at their deviantart and saw 'hiatus' on their da profile, but they never let any of the commissioners know, either through notes or a journal about this hiatus. of course, classes were starting back up, but a headsup would've been nice since at this point i had already been waiting 3-ish months, i hadn't really noticed but i decided to try twitter since i was most active there vs. tumblr, and 82772 seemed active there as well and it just felt like a better alternative to try.

    so, i sent her a tweet and we talked back and forth. i was okay with waiting a week for the art i was patient and actually had hope they'd get it done. i waited, and waited... and waited... and then before i knew it, it had been almost 3 weeks (making it almost 5 months of a wait and a lack of communication). at the time i had gone private on twitter but occasionally went on and off private specifically to message them and gave it a day or two not on private while they were still active, and not responding. honestly, i would've been direct messaging them but it's something you can only do with people that follow you back mutually, so i had to do this and i did maybe like? 2 times tops throughout the 3 weeks i was waiting for my art as to not be pushy but i was also growing frustrated. they were quick to respond to that tweet on january 20th, so i don't understand why they decided not to with the ones i sent afterwards after the start of february, especially when they're constantly posting to twitter and there's no way they're not seeing my tweets to them.

    so, i'm under the impression they're ignoring me and i have sent them a tweet stating if they didn't reply in a week i would be posting this. so.. here we are, this is pretty much a last resort since i've given them enough time to even respond to me. i would prefer the money over the art since i could use it for someone more reliable...

    honestly, i'm not sure i'm going to try and fight $28 as it may be more stress than it's worth, but i am disappointed because it was supposed to be for myself and a friend and i've commissioned her before and recieved my art promptly though that was in the summer and they probably weren't as busy as they may be now, but that's really no excuse. i don't understand why this is such a problem, but i don't think i'll be commissioning them in the future if this is how it's gonna go with trying to communicate.

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